Deprived of Divine Light
Thursday, June 19, 2014
I want to bring you into the deepest mystery. The human person, has God’s plan stamped forever on the soul. This is man’s hidden identity, unique to each individual. Discovering and fulfilling this destiny was meant to be easy, like a journey on a road filled with light.
Sin changed all that. The straight road became difficult, narrow, twisting, filled with obstacles and plunged into darkness.
Jesus came as the light of the world. Many walked in that new light and society was bathed in light. Cultures of light came about. Many began to know God’s call and live it out.
Now, the darkness comes. The lights are extinguished, one by one. Yet, each person retains this force within themselves, this divine call. When darkness comes, people wait for the light to act. However, the divine call never waits. It persists. It cries out. It wants to shape every decision. This is the dilemma of modern man. He carries within himself a divine call but is deprived of the divine light. That is why I speak. My locutions will offer you, O reader, the light which your culture should have provided you. Listen carefully to all my words.
Comment: These extraordinary locutions are needed because the world has rejected God’s light.

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Last Publish: September 20, 2024