Dark Secrets
Friday, April 05, 2013
Some hearts have secrets, dark secrets. These are memories of the past which they dare not face, moments when they acted in darkness. Now, shame fills their hearts and they must continually relive those moments.
They are never free. Even though years have gone by and they have established themselves in a new way of life, the guilt of that moment continually pours out and poisons what would otherwise be blessed.
I speak to you who have a dark secret and have never been able to resolve your pain. Your heart and your life are in my hands. I have never abandoned you. Listen to the words of my mother.
Believe that your path of darkness can become a path of light and that what has been a dark secret can become a source of joy. What is impossible to men (and how many ways you have tried) is possible to God.
First, you cannot free yourself. No matter how hard you try, all of your solutions turn in upon themselves. They are defeated by the dark secret. Second, you cannot repress the dark secret. It still lives in you (and how long have the years been).
Listen to my words. Resume a deep practice of your faith, pressing your head to my heart. Stay there. Do not leave, no matter what happens. Believe and trust. Do not even think of the secret. Little by little, I will take it away from you. Then a moment will come when I will snatch it out of your heart and from that point on, it will remain in my hands. Trust me. Let us begin.

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Last Publish: September 20, 2024