Culture and Young People
Monday, February 13, 2012
By these words, I reveal the forces which are shaping the present and preparing for the future. I open a window of heaven for everyone to look through. Heaven sees everything that is taking place. Those readers who look through my window will see the forces which are shaping their world and they will know what decisions they must make.
Need for Decisions
Too many people are passive, allowing their destinies to be determined by external events. My Son always asked for decisions. People had to choose the kingdom or be swept away. Now the tide is even greater and more forceful decisions must be made.
Now is not the time to allow others to decide for you or to make no decision at all. Do not trust that everything will work out. I have taught clearly the destructive power of the present situation. The tide is powerful and will sweep everyone away. The only exceptions are those who make decisions and resist the tide.
The Daily Experience
I will begin by speaking to the young people. They are the ones most affected. They are forming their own identity and are so vulnerable to the forces of culture.
Yet, what do they experience every day? A veritable onslaught against every value of heaven, a twisted and depraved culture which glorifies evil and laughs at truth. My words must be extensive and deep. They must probe the heart. This is where I must bring my power to bear. The culture will resist me but individual hearts will respond. O reader, may your heart be open to the teachings which follow. I love you and I offer these words so you are not destroyed.
Comment: The culture is overwhelming but if young people receive Mary’s words they can go against the tide.

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Last Publish: September 20, 2024