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Comparing the Two Kingdoms

Sunday, September 28, 2014


Heaven can pour forth its powers and extinguish the fires of hell. Why, then, does hell seem to be more powerful than heaven? This is the question that needs answers. When heaven pours out its blessings, then the fires of hell will be extinguished. This is the first truth. Man is helpless against hell unless heaven comes to his aid.

If heaven is always pouring out its powers, why is man so helpless? Because he knows nothing about heaven. He has become the modern man of science, captivated by all that he has discovered. He is surrounded by his own technology without realizing that hell uses that technology for its own purposes. Man has set heaven aside. He no longer looks to heaven, does not understand its ways, does not receive its help, and has no defense against the powers of hell. Heaven always pours out its powers but man has lost his faith and cannot receive the blessings.

On earth, therefore, the kingdoms are not equal. Hell has the field all to itself. It has trained its followers, initiated them, taught them its ways and gladly shares with them all of its intelligence and all of its powers. Hell seems to be more powerful than heaven. Right now, every aspect of human life is succumbing to its influence.

This is why I speak because this destruction is not the full reality. Heaven is infinite. Hell is finite. Heaven has all power and can easily extinguish hell’s fires. The two are not equal but both exist and man freely chooses. Free will is the one power which heaven always respects. Even if man chooses hell, God will honor his choice.

Comment: Heaven and hell are certainly not equal but if man chooses hell, heaven is powerless.

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