Marian Cross - Transparent Background

Closing Words

Thursday, April 24, 2014


Events do not just unfold. Forces behind the events bring them about. I reveal these forces and their goals so that they do not unfold. Once a road is taken and once changes are introduced, they obtain a force that is difficult to dislodge.

Rich and powerful people want a one world order. They seek to control the world so that even sovereign nations are subjected to them (even though these nations still exist and seemingly are autonomous). When a one world order is established, all nations must feed into a higher, supra-national order and follow its dictates. Very little room is left for natural sovereignty.

Crises will be used to foster this one world government. There will be pleas that humanity will be better served if nations submit their particular goals to the greater one world goal and to these superstructures.

I have spoken clearly enough. Leaders must be elected who cling strongly to national sovereignty and foster close ties among nations that respect individual nationalities and refuse to erase the boundaries created by God’s plan. Any other path is a road to Satan’s goals of a counterfeit gathering of the nations.

Comment: Mary could not be more clear. Elect leaders who will resist the giving over of a nations’ power to supra-national structures.

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