Centuries of Anger
Saturday, December 08, 2012
I speak over and over about the fierce fires that burn in the hearts of so many. These fires are buried deep in the memories of decades and even centuries, placed there by the Evil One, who waits and waits. He allows some of these fires to surface but many he keeps hidden so they can grow stronger. He wants a great conflagration that will spark many, many smaller but longer lasting ones. His plans are in place. He just awaits the opportune moment, waiting and hoping that he can ensnare even more into his fires.
We could go on and on, multiplying description upon description. This is enough. The picture has been drawn. The fires of violence are already burning in the Middle East. Other forces of far greater violence have not been unleashed. Weapons of every kind and of diverse powers lie in the hands of many and grow every day. The supplies flow from outside, from those countries which have special interests. Such is the state of affairs. People armed against others, even their fellow countrymen. Neighbor against neighbor. When will it end? Must so many be killed so peace comes only to those who survive? Whose plan is this? Certainly, this is not how the heavenly Father wants his children to act. The world has turned away from the Prince of Peace and wonders why there are so many wars? I must speak of the ways of peace. Some will listen and new paths will open, surprising paths that man cannot see unless I show him.
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Last Publish: September 20, 2024