Building Systems Without God’s Wisdom
Saturday, October 10, 2015
Why do the nations march according to the wrong tune? This is due to earthly wisdom which is no wisdom at all. They do not have the Spirit of my Son. They do not begin their meetings with prayer and they do not seek divine wisdom. As a result, their conferences yield little because each nation is ready to yield little. They go into their meetings with one purpose – to preserve (or even to enhance) their own interests. Little is accomplished while time moves on.
I say this. Events will not wait for your time schedule. The powerful events will just move on and catch you unprepared. Everyone has their hands in their pockets or their arms folded, caught up in their national interests. “Is there any other way?” you say. “Is not this the way of international cooperation, that each nation sees to its own good?”
This is what I say to you, O rulers of the world. Because you do not call on my Son, you are severely limited. You have only earthly wisdom. You measure by earthly standards. You say, “This is what our people expect. They elected me to preserve the national interests”. I say this, “Your people are like yourselves. They, too, are caught up in human wisdom and all will go down together, people and leaders”. The events are coming. They are built into the systems that you have constructed. They are your systems, not mine. For years, you have been putting them in place. You have made decisions without consulting my Son, without asking, “What would the Lord God of hosts want us to do?” You have banished divine wisdom and now you have your systems that will soon collapse.
Is it too late? Oh, the changes that must be made! Everyone, leaders and people must turn their hearts to God. Only when your hearts have turned back, will you see the true light. All must turn. All must say, “Let us seek divine wisdom”. I will help you, but it is very, very late. Some parts will still collapse. However, some can be salvaged.
Comment: The world systems have been built for decades (and centuries) upon human selfishness, so their corruption is deeply ingrained.
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