Birthday of Mary, the Mother of God
Thursday, September 08, 2011
All creation rejoices today, the creation that came forth from the Father’s hand but then was tainted by sin, its vast order interrupted and the darkness beginning to cover the earth.
Today, with my birth, the Father began his plan for a new creation, a complete reestablishing of divine order by the sending of his only begotten Son. This is my teaching today.
What has happened to the Father’s plan? Did not everything come forth perfectly from his hand? Did not the first creature come forth perfectly? Did not I come forth perfectly.? Did not his only Son come forth perfectly? What happened to these gifts? When they leave the Father’s hands, they are perfect but when they fall into the hands of men, they become marred.
Mankind does not understand this truth. Everything placed in the hands of men becomes tainted, twisted, manipulated, misused, and sometimes totally destroyed, worthy only to be rejected.
The Two Streams
What began with a noble purpose is used for an ignoble one. What was meant to bless all, blesses only those who selfishly control it. This is the stream of human history and the Father had to begin another stream, a new creation. Now the two streams flow side by side and mankind has a new opportunity. It can say to the heavenly stream “Flow within me. Let us flow together. Bring your power. Purify me. Make me go in the right direction. Straighten out my twists and turns. Send me to the fields that need my water and will be fruitful.”
This is what the Father intended when he began this heavenly stream, through his Son.
But, what took place. Mankind rejected the Son. The stream of man did not want the stream of God to cleanse and direct it. “I will flow in my own direction and gain my own goals.” What has resulted? Look at the mess! Who can save mankind? I weep over what I see about to happen. I come so that it does not happen. This heavenly stream has great power and can act quickly. The catastrophes can be averted, but man must act quickly. Yes, man must act. The Father has already acted. His stream is already flowing. Man must act. He must accept the new stream. Will he do this when for so long he has rejected it? Can there be a new day envisioned by the Father when he created me to give birth to his Son? That is the question which faces mankind. All the other questions will be answered when man opens himself to the new heavenly stream.
Comment: Through Mary, has come the riches in Jesus Christ but man must accept these riches.
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Last Publish: September 20, 2024