Benedict, A Bridge Between Popes
Tuesday, February 19, 2013
Only the just man would be patient and faithful. Such is Pope Benedict, a pope after my own heart whom I have chosen as my Vicar. Now he has completed the course. He is the bridge between the two great popes. He provided the needed time of transition from one to the other.
Now that Benedict’s time is completed, I can raise up the one who will complement Pope John Paul II, who saw his mission but knew the pope would not live to see its fulfillment.
What remains to be done to bring the Church into the third millennium? Certainly, the world is in the third millennium and Pope John Paul II was the pope to open that millennium. However, the Church has not yet found its way. In spite of these two great popes, John Paul and Benedict, the Church is slipping behind and not keeping pace. I must give the Church a new role, a surprising role, so that the whole world will see that the Church does not follow the world but is far ahead of the world. This can happen only by the intervening power of God in world events.
When these divine interventions happen (and there will be more than a few) the world will say “In this darkness, we must look for light to the Church because everywhere else there is no power and no wisdom”.
The Destructive Events
So soon and so quickly will come the destructive breakthroughs. The walls can no longer hold back the floods. The surface of the earth can no longer contain the fires that burn beneath. I use these figures to describe human history. The floods of evil and selfishness have eroded the foundations. These floods will soon break through the walls that support society. What was ordered and tranquil will become filled with confusion and turmoil. The fires burning beneath the surface are the angers of men that will break through in physical destruction of parts of the universe. Yes, man now possesses weapons of mass destruction that have never been used.
The pope whom I will seat on the Chair of Peter will be my sign to the world that I have foreseen all of these events and have prepared for them. During these days, he will speak my word and all will listen. Proud hearts will be broken by these events. Mankind will be humbled in the face of its new problems and it will seek light. They will find this light on the Chair of Peter. See this papal election for what it truly is. My motherly heart, which foresees all that is ahead, is placing my favorite son, my beloved one, on the Chair of Peter.
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Last Publish: September 20, 2024