Avoiding the Annihilations of the Nations
Saturday, January 17, 2015
How will all of these events conclude? What lies at the end of the road? Who will win the victory? What suffering will be exacted? The answers will unfold only as man lives out each day, month and year. Human history can only record what has been experienced. However, my voice can pierce deeply into the unforeseen night of the future. My words are light, given before the events happen so that the events themselves can be changed.
If I left humanity to itself, there would be no hope. Mankind would stumble from one calamity to the next until there would be an annihilation of the nations and a complete collapse of human life. That is one possible end of the road that lies ahead.
My constant message, however, is that I do not want to leave humanity alone. I want to come upon the world scene. I am the Woman, who from the very beginning of history was charged with defeating the Evil One. This has always been the heavenly Father’s plan and He will not change it because it is quite effective. It need only be followed. So, what will I do and what must mankind do?
I will take new initiatives. For decades, I have planned for this combat. I have appeared to many. I have awakened the Church to declare me Immaculate (February 11, 1854). I have left my clearest messages at Fatima. Even now, I am appearing throughout the world.
However, this is not enough. I have raised up this little voice of locutions which allows me to speak to so many each day. There will be even clearer words, because as the events grow greater, people will need greater signs to give them hope.
This is my promise. New Marian lights will come upon the scene, never known before. I will also ready your hearts by new inner graces. They begin right now.
Comment: Our Lady’s words are all too clear about what lies ahead if she does not intervene. That is why she is giving these special graces right now.
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