An Invitation to Surrender
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
I ask for a commitment of the heart, a full, total dedication that leaves no stone unturned in seeking my interests. I ask for great hearts that do not count the cost. With these hearts, I can do great things and bless many.
I call all to this level of faith. To everyone, I extend the invitation. If, right now, you experience some desire to surrender yourself completely, then read on. These words are for you.
Do not be afraid of Jesus’ invitation, as if the cost might be too high and you cannot make the sacrifices that are needed. These thoughts come from the Evil One. Just set out. I will be with you. When you grow tired, I will refresh you. When you grow weary, I will console you. When you seem surrounded with darkness, I will come with my light. Together, and only together with me, can you reach the goal of faith, your heavenly home.
This is not a short journey, a journey of a day, a week or even a year. This is a journey of a lifetime that ends in eternal life for you and for many others. Let us walk together.
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Last Publish: September 20, 2024