Marian Cross - Transparent Background

An Invitation to Faith

Tuesday, November 13, 2012


I speak to the world because some will listen and be saved. How many will be saved? I was asked that question and I said that people must enter by the narrow gate and walk the narrow road. Many think that the road is wide. However, the wide road does not lead to salvation and, indeed, many walk that road.

I speak and many do not listen. Yet, a few take my words and find eternal life. Those who find my road need a special light because the light in the world leads only to darkness. A person cannot find the road to life unless he receives this special light called faith. Once he receives faith, he must cherish it above everything else. He must live by this light and even be willing to die for his faith. That is how important this gift is. So, reader, cherish faith above everything else. Live by faith and you will live forever.


I nourish this faith in all believers. I protect it and never let this light go out or be stolen. Nevertheless, many who receive this light in childhood, lose it as adults. They set it aside as unimportant. They grow concerned about so many other goals. They do not find time for the practice of their faith. Yet, in their hearts, the roots of faith are still planted.

For others, the seed of faith has never been sown. Their hearts are like rocky soil that cannot receive the seed. These, and many other causes, block the seed of faith that is so essential to eternal life. By these words, we will send forth a fresh invitation to the whole world to believe.

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