An Interest in Heaven
Friday, March 02, 2012
On earth day follows another and it is easy to believe that this will continue forever. People get used to human existence and forget that a moment of death will come for them. They see their parents and their relatives leave this earth. They know that billions and billions of people have lived on this earth and they are no longer here. Yet, all of that experience makes no impact because they experience a life in which one day follows another. So, I speak to interpret this experience, to give it meaning and to show its purpose.
Just a Little While
Reader, the world and the human race existed long before you were born and will continue after your death. You are here on earth just a little while. God knows that earth is not the way it should be and He knows that you could easily destroy yourself, in this life and the next. So, he sent his son, Jesus, into this world. Jesus is God and yet, he had your daily experiences. For him, also, one day followed the next. He lived in time, but he preached about a quite different existence.
Heavenly Existence
In heaven, where one day does not follow another, there is no night or darkness at all. My Son did not come to change time but to change you so that you are prepared for heaven. This is why I weep. So many have no interest in what Jesus offers to them. They are quite content with their daily existence that will so quickly end. They have no interest in a fullness of life that will last forever. No wonder that I preach every day.
Comment: Our modern culture has stolen heaven from us. In the Age of Faith that was the real goal.
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