An All Encompassing Gift
Wednesday, July 23, 2014
For every person in the world, I have a surprise gift, which is not revealed at first. This gift lies deep within my heart and is given only at the moment when the person is ready to receive. This gift is God’s most important secret for each person, the whole reason why God created them. This gift encompasses everything and carries with it the greatest of blessings. This gift is the person’s divine call in which God can totally bless them and bless many others, even thousands.
Many people never receive this gift. They have not searched in my heart nor have they cooperated with the earlier gifts. A few discover the gift but, surprisingly, they reject it (like the rich young man who did not sell all his possessions).
Some embrace their gift totally. They aid many others. Even generation after generation are blessed. You can see how important is this gift. My promise is this. Such a gift exists for every person in the world. If you just seek the beginning gifts, accept them and do what they require, I will lead you to this special gift that contains your identity, your fulfillment, your life’s work and your eternal happiness. I want you to find it. I want you to accept it. I will then help you to bring the gift to fruition.
Comment: If you have never discovered the call of your life, or have never searched, or have rejected the gift, return to Mary’s heart and seek God’s gifts waiting there for you.
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Last Publish: September 20, 2024