America Has Not Repented
Tuesday, October 02, 2012
What will I do to those who pour out this lava of violence? How will I treat them? Are they my messengers of retribution or are they agents of my enemy Satan? They are both and they must be seen as such.
When violence and destruction break out against a nation of peace (as happened at the Twin Towers) people must see this for what it is. Violence is a warning that the people are not living under God. I do not refer to the people who suffered in that tragedy, but to the whole nation. America has sinned. It has killed its unborn. These are far more numerous than those killed in the Twin Towers.
Certainly an enemy did this evil. Yet, the sins of America have cried out for so long. Americans have shouted to me, “We do not want you in our national life”. So, I withdrew my hand of protection and I allowed your enemies to come against you. I did this so you would repent and turn to me. Has this happened? Has America acknowledged its sins? Not at all.
America, you have not learned your lesson. I want you to see your need for my protecting hand. Instead, you have trusted in your own strength to rebuild. How often must I let your enemies attack you before you say, “Let us return to the Lord. He will be our salvation?”
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Last Publish: September 20, 2024