A “Yes” to God
Saturday, July 19, 2014
How do you get to my heart so you can discover my treasures? You are already there because I hold the whole world, and every human person, in my heart. I carry all your sins and failures. I carry all your hopes and desires. Most important, I carry God’s will for you. When I said to the Angel Gabriel, “Let it be done according to your word”, I said those words for you. I accepted fully God’s will for myself and for the whole world.
When Eve, and her husband Adam, said “no” to God, human history became a vast and resounding “no”. Then, the light of revelation began, a beginning “yes” in Noah and Abraham and the prophets. Divine revelation came to its greatest moment when Gabriel revealed that God would become a man and I was chosen to say “yes” for the whole human race.
At that moment, you were placed in my heart. More important, your “yes” to all that God wants for you was placed there. That is my gift for you today. Do you always want to say “yes” to God?
Here, take your gift. I place it right now in your heart. Quickly, you will experience its divine power. You will be attracted to the light. You will want to forsake the attractions of evil.
Just say “yes” to this new gift in your heart. That is what I did all my life – a constant stream of “yes”.
Comment: Your life is filled with decisions. May you always say “yes” to God’s will for you.

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Last Publish: September 20, 2024