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A Year From Now

Friday, September 12, 2014


When the heart speaks it holds nothing back, sometimes revealing what should be kept secret. Such is my heart, pouring out all my secrets.

By next September, much will have shifted. The terrorist groups will be stronger and better organized because the steps taken against them will not be sufficient or effective. The problems will not just come from terrorism. There will be sparks coming from new fires. These fires should have been put out but instead they have been put off, as if terrorism was the big problem. These fires are internal, especially the enormous debts and the economies with no foundations.

Time must not be lost. The Church must understand, through the prophetic gift, how to prepare its members and the world. This is a true gift of service which can alert without being sensational.

Too many merely watch and wonder what is going to happen. I am telling you what will happen. Before the events begin, the Church must call for prayer and fasting, for a renewal of fervor. People must flood the churches beginning now and not wait for these events. All must be ready and not caught unawares.

Comment: Our Lady speaks frequently of a series of events, indifferent aspects of human life, that will shift the world. She asks us to believe and, even now, to fill the churches.

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Last Publish:  September 20, 2024

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