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A Word to Pregnant Women

Monday, April 22, 2013


Each day, the Trinity makes this decision to create many human persons according to its own image and likeness. Each person is unique, formed totally by God and united with a human nature. Then, the great mystery begins. What will the person become? How will others care for him? What decisions will he make? A new life begins, sacred from the very beginning and destined to live forever. What has begun will never cease to be. The human person, directly created by God at the moment of conception, can never be destroyed or annihilated. This leads us into the greatest mysteries.


Human conception begins the great story of each person, conceived but still not free to act and to choose. That will come soon enough, if the mother allows the pregnancy to go to term.

Here, I must delay a moment and speak to women about their own bodies. You are a woman, able to conceive and nourish human life. When you are pregnant, you do not carry in your womb just some living material. You carry a person, created by God at the moment of conception. For these months, this person depends upon your body and your cooperation. If you withdraw your help, and destroy the child by abortion, he/she will continue to exist but without any chance of living or of giving new life to others. God decided to create this person but it is your decision to give birth.

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