A Weakened America, Devoid of Faith
Sunday, May 03, 2015
There will be many more chapters to this story of an America that is torn apart. All eyes have looked for so long to the Middle East and the turmoil of ISIS and Yemen. However, Satan’s plan of destruction, aided greatly by the loss of faith, is active everywhere.
He always probes, finds the soft spots left unprotected, sows his evil and waits for his harvest. An America uprooted from the soil of faith, an America that has chosen to become secular, is any easy prey for his evils and so many evils have been sown.
Faith is a light and it provides a direction. It forms a people, unites them, limits evil and places barriers that protect. Faith provides a common understanding, a oneness, and a unity. Within the framework of faith, diversity exists but does not destroy the overall unity.
By faith, a country is a family, sharing the same goals and guided by mutual understandings. Freedoms flourish because people trust one another, knowing that all believe in the same heavenly Father.
America was built upon such faith, but this faith is now shattered, rejected and set aside. A secular America is arising. Sunday has been secularized, a time for buying and selling, and endless sports. America is a weakened body, subject to many new infections.
How important this is to Satan’s worldwide plan. You must see that all the evil is linked together. Satan’s plan is diverse. A weakened America, beset with its own inner divisions, is unable to lead and protect.
Comment: We often do not grasp that America’s lack of faith weakens her worldwide leadership.
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Last Publish: September 20, 2024