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A Tug of War

Monday, February 27, 2012


Do not put aside what is worthy for what is worthless. This is what the world does all the time. The world does not see the true values. The price tags are all mixed up and the world is filled with confusion. This leads to distorted choices. People work hard for what is passing but find no time to store up heavenly riches. This must be addressed.

The Need to Purchase

When a couple gets married, they immediately think of all that they need to purchase. Then, they consider all the money they will need. Then, they must think of the jobs which they need to have to get the money. This happens because they valued what was of little value. The gaining of possessions is not the primary goal, or even the most important goal of a marriage. What is of true worth? Their mutual love, the creating of a home and the bringing forth of children. Yet, the two values of fostering their relationship and having children are often at the bottom of the list. Things and possessions come first. Everything else is thrown out of order. Working long hours precludes a good relationship and possessions replace children as a goal.

Why Stay Together?

So, what is left? Why stay together? The couple finds little or no reason to continue and the marriage ends. All of this should have had a different outcome.

My word goes forth to young couples, married or soon to be married. Examine your values. Be certain of your own values and see whether your partner truly shares the same values. This is the foundation of a marriage – shared values and similar goals. Look at your values to see how your marriage is doing or whether you should marry this person at all. You pulling in one direction and your partner pulling in another is no marriage at all. It is a tug of war.

Comment: So many young couples judge their marriage by how many possessions they have mutually acquired. They forget to develop their personal relationship and to have children.

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