A Totalitarian Russia
Tuesday, April 29, 2014
There is no time to waste. The supposed walls of protection around the West are like paper in the presence of fire. The destruction in the Ukraine will move much more quickly and decisively than anyone can imagine. What has been set in place (supposedly dedicated to Western-style democracy) will crash and a totalitarian regime will be quickly established.
Right before the eyes of the West, Russia has suddenly become once again a totalitarian regime under the control of one person whom Satan has led to the top.
I have promised the conversion of Russia when that nation is consecrated to me. Let all the world, not just the Church, know of my promise and what is still lacking. If the Holy Father and all the bishops of the world in union with him would consecrate Russia to my Immaculate Heart, I have promised that Russia would be converted and a great period of peace would follow.
There has been no such consecration and no conversion of Russia. There has only been the removal of a wall and economic intertwining. Satan still holds the country in his grasp. He will continue to use Russia as his instrument, just as he did in the past century.
Comment: Russia will grow as an evil force in Satan’s hands until the Holy Father fulfills Our Lady’s wishes.

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