A Summary
Friday, December 21, 2012
Some will not hear my voice because the world will try to block my words. The believers must make them known. All the words should be read and studied. In this way, every person will gain a certitude that they are true words.
I speak of many things – of the forces of good and evil, of the growing power of evil that has gone unchecked for so long, of the inevitability of the evil breaking forth and disrupting human life. However, I also speak of my saving actions. I tell people not to fear but to cling to my words. I tell them to take no revenge and not to resort to violence. Their safety and security lies in helping one another and in trusting my divine help (which will be everywhere). These are my words and they must be known by all.
I am a mother who saves all my children, but they must stay close. They must gather and pay attention. Listen closely. Those who trust in their own resources and try to save themselves will be caught in deception. Do not trust in your own powers. They are totally inadequate. The forces are too powerful and will be too long-lasting.
In every heart, I place goodness. As the trials continue, this goodness must grow. There must be greater faith in my words and greater love for one another. My saving actions will be in your own hearts. My lights will be in your own minds. From the very beginning, do what is true and just. Your feet will be set on the right path. Do not swerve from this. You will see others who lose hope and begin to act quite differently, trying to save themselves and forgetting others. This is a deception. Being safe will result from an intense practice of the virtues and even heroic acts. In all of this, I will be with you and I will be a mother who takes pride in the goodness of her children.

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Last Publish: September 20, 2024