A Somber Mother
Thursday, March 26, 2015
Words cannot express the depths of my feelings. I have watched the world that was bathed in light be taken captive by a darkness that grows ever more powerful. How much I have tried to break through and to establish God’s reign.
I have appeared in so many places, always trying to make my voice heard. I have raised up many faithful messengers who suffered much. My words were planted in their hearts and they tried to awaken the world.
Now, I am somber, like someone who sees the reality which lies ahead. How I have tried to divert mankind from this path. I have used my Church. I have sent my messengers. I have made my promises. I have spoken of the future. I have both warned and encouraged.
I have shown visions of hell to children and also revealed the glories of heaven. By all of this, I reveal the intensity of my feelings and the gravity of the situation. So, I am somber like someone who has tried everything and accomplished little.
All who know me know that I will not stop, not even for one moment. I refuse to admit defeat. I will not abandon my original plan, to raise up the church as the light to all nations and to use the Holy Father as my instrument in saving the world from destruction.
This plan still lies in the center of my heart. It still has its time. It will not fail but you are not to wait. Spend each day with me and my plan will come forth more quickly. We will not be defeated by darkness.
Comment: Our Lady calls herself “somber”, an excellent description of one who has tried so hard and not yet succeeded.

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