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A Safe and Easy Path

Thursday, June 07, 2012


I am the Woman and I want to lead you. In me dwells the wisdom of God, a wisdom which finds secret paths that will keep you safe. The road to heaven can be much easier, safer and faster if you would only let me lead you. That is why I speak so frequently.

The heart of man is a place of turmoil, where contrasting forces battle. Even man himself does not know what is happening within. In the Ages of Faith, man had eternal guides. The towers of the great Cathedrals pointed upward to heaven and man knew that his destiny was to seek the things above. His culture was formed by the Church and the commandments of God.

Need For A Clear Voice

He could contrast his inner turmoil with the ideals of faith and try to bring his heart into line with truth. Now, man has no one to guide him, no voice that resounds in his soul saying “Do this” or “Avoid that”.

So, I must speak. I say, “Come this way. Take this path.” I give simple words that are easy to understand, but they are enough. Follow them and you shall find life.

Comment: People find morality very difficult. Somehow, Mary makes it much easier. We just need a willing heart.

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