A Release of the Heart
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
I will make these messages so attractive that many will come to believe. I shape the truths of the gospel, putting them in a form that all will say, “I now see Jesus’ teaching in a new light”. I do this because this is the final preaching, the Father’s final attempt to have the world accept His Son. So, let us begin.
The heart of man must be released. All is now pent up. He holds so many things in his heart.
These he must let go. He has his sins (infections which poison his whole life). He has his memories of failures, of selfishness, even of cruelty and hatred. There have been moments when he was not himself, when temptation caught him unaware, conceived sin and gave birth to evil.
The person did what they thought they would never do. My Son preached repentance. What does this mean? I will use a mother’s words. Repentance means “to release your heart”.
Yes, repentance is a release. You no longer need to hold it in. You can allow it to flow out.
You can confess your guilt. Like a dam that has burst. Where will it go? Into my Immaculate Heart where the fires of divine mercy will consume it forever.
You will have a free heart, a heart that can begin again. That is what I offer to mankind.
That is what I offer to you who read these words. My Immaculate Heart offers you a freedom that you have not experienced for years. It is not too late. Let everything pour out. Let the tears comes. There is so much to pour out.
Afterwards comes the freedom and with the freedom comes new responsibilities, but only after you are free. I have come to set mankind free. How can I build a new world unless man is free again?
Comment: As sin multiplies we forget the effects on the human heart. Mary knows exactly where to begin.
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