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A Powerful Stream of “Yes”

Sunday, March 18, 2012


There is a powerful stream, filled with every blessing which flows in the very center of human history. This stream also flows in the center of every human heart. This stream exists for every person in the whole world. The stream is so powerful that once the person yields to it, it will carry the person along and keep them safe. It is the saving stream. This is the stream of God’s will which I will explain by easy to understand images.

Some people think that God’s will is just words, like commandments or warnings given by parents to their children. Really, God’s will is a power, a force that is irresistible if only the person consents and says “yes”. That is all God needs, O reader, your permission.

A Flow of Images

I will continue with my images. All the world was created by the power flowing from God’s will. All creation was united to God by the power of this will. Then came forth a new word, a strange word, a word never heard before. Mankind said “No” to God’s will and sin entered the world. God’s powerful stream with all of its healing powers, with all of its powers to bless man, no longer was at the center of human creation or even at the center of each human heart. “No” had replaced “Yes”. Rebellion had replaced obedience, and, unfortunately, curses had replaced blessings. So, for centuries the human race was cursed and earth became a place of suffering and sorrow, a valley of tears.

A “Yes”

Then, I gave birth to Jesus, who always was a “Yes” to God’s will, even to his death on the cross. A new stream of God’s will began to flow and I was its first recipient. It flowed in the middle of my hearts and, later, in the hearts of the believers. However, it did not flow, as it formerly did, in the center of human history because the world rejected him (even Israel rejected him).

Today’s Situation

This is the way it is today. This powerful stream of God’s will flows within some people and not within others. Also, this stream is not flowing in the center of human history because many cultures reject it. But a time will come, when the heavenly Father will give all of mankind another moment, another opportunity that this powerful stream will once again flow in the center of human history. Obviously, the gift can only be given with extraordinary signs and divine powers, but this will take place (more quickly than many realize).

A Personal Gift

The following, however, is my teaching. Even before these extraordinary events, the Father will pour out this powerful, life-giving stream from my Immaculate Heart. This stream will bestow unimaginable blessings upon all who open their hearts to receive. Most important, no one has to wait for that future, extraordinary event. That is what I reveal today. This stream already exists and anyone who wants that stream to flow in the center of their heart need only seek it in my Immaculate Heart. So, come into my heart in your prayers and your desires. If you come, I will promise to teach you how to open your heart to this powerful stream of Gods’ will.

Comment: Mary promises an extraordinary future gift for man, but, more important, she promises the same extraordinary gift right now to all who seek it in her heart.

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