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A Pope With A Burning Heart

Saturday, March 02, 2013


When all begins to become clear to the cardinals, they will see the greatness of their call and the overwhelming responsibility that has fallen to them. They will see the state of the world, so ready to rip apart at the seams. They will see a Church, bringing in a full harvest in some continents and having little to show in others. They will see the Muslim threat, ever growing and always menacing.

Yet, they will see more. They will see my Sacred Heart, filled with love yet so many times rejected, even by my Church. Into my heart they must enter. Only there will they see and understand. No one should sit upon the Chair of Peter unless he is close to my heart. I have not called an intellectual. I have not called a charming personality. I want one kind of pope – a pope whose heart burns with mine, whose wisdom comes from the Holy Spirit, and whose papacy will follow my direction. Anyone else is not acceptable at this moment in the history of the world and the Church.


I will speak clearly. The words must be like a knife, cutting to the heart. Do not give me a pope who will not consecrate Russia to my Immaculate Heart. Let him not be vague on this issue. It is already late, very late. This must be his primary goal. Consecrating Russia must have been in his heart years ago. I will reject every candidate for whom the consecration of Russia is not first in their hearts. If their names are put forth, I will personally defeat them. I will act through those who are my closest friends.

I have foreseen this conclave. I have inspired Pope Benedict concerning those whom he selected as cardinals. I have many cardinals who cherish the consecration of Russia. Some do this more openly than others. This issue is not to be set aside. If those who lead the conclave want to put it under the table, then I will raise up those who will put it back on the table.

Consecrating Russia must be the pope’s first dream, not his afterthought or something that he might get to.

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