A Pope of Mercy
Saturday, March 28, 2015
Let my heart pour forth its sorrows, for in sorrow much can be learned. The desires of man are so great that they push him on, even when his path is evil and destructive. Vindictive and angry hearts, which can destroy the world, have the means of communicating their evil to millions of other hearts.
Quickly, peace turns into war, and calm into violence. You have seen this in country after country. Stable governments collapse. Society is ripped apart. Victory is followed by slaughter of opponents. All of this comes from evil hearts that now have the means of communicating with millions. Earth has never seen this before. Mankind has never had these powers of worldwide communications.
Now, I have raised up a new Holy Father with the message of mercy. His voice goes forth. He is exalted even by the secular press. He pushes on to his goal, step by step. He does not fear. If he makes a mistake, he corrects it and moves on. The message comes from his heart and he has lived from his heart for decades. Such is the person whom I have placed on the throne of Peter. He calls people to conversion and away from division and hatred. His message is preparing the way. Another pope will follow him who will complete the gift and consecrate Russia.
Comment: We must see the great popularity enjoyed by Pope Francis as an important part of Our Lady’s plan.

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