A One-Sided War
Sunday, November 13, 2011
I watch over all who call upon me. I protect them from morning until night. They are never out of my sight. I want to keep everyone safe, but if people do not believe in me and do not look to me for help, then a wall exists, placed there by the Evil One. A darkness surrounds people and covers their eyes, so they cannot see their heavenly mother and be guided by her. This, too, is the work of the Evil One. By these words, I try to remove the wall and scatter the darkness. If this happens, then the fullness of my protection can come to each person. Even in Satan’s greatest trials, I will provide an escape. Let us begin.
The Book of Revelation speaks of Satan’s plots against myself and my child and when these are foiled Satan goes off to wage war against the rest of my offspring “those who keep God’s commandments and witness to Jesus”. (Rev. 12: 4-17)
This is what is taking place. He has gone off to wage war. The war is raging and the signs are everywhere. They are totally misinterpreted by the world which wonders what is going wrong and which believes that man can solve these problems. The longer these misconceptions continue, the more headway the Evil One can make. This is a ridiculous situation. One side has declared war and is ravaging the countryside, plundering the treasures and killing the inhabitants.
(How many have died because of drugs? How many babies have been killed by abortions?) Still, no one realizes that war has been declared. There is no awareness. There is no call to arms.
There are no strategies because people do not even know that a war is raging.
That is why I give these messages. You are at war! Yet, for you, it is life as usual. You take your vacations, spend your money (which is not yours) and you do not listen to the voice that would save you because I say “Prepare”! Will the whole land be ravaged?
Comment: When only one side wages war, the other is bound to lose.

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