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A Nuclear Iran

Tuesday, March 03, 2015


I offer all these words and blessings because I see what lies ahead. As I place before the world what will take place, all take heart that heaven has not abandoned earth and has planned for these dark moments.

As the West faces even more serious problems, disputes break out among its leaders, divisions occur, and what needs to be united is broken. This, too, is part of Satan’s plan. One saying “Go this way” and another shouting, “That is the wrong road to peace”.

At first, these divisions will seem to be the ordinary process of discussion and resolution. However, this will not be the case. Beneath the surface discussions, the hearts of the leaders will be vehemently closed to the plans of the other. There will be a total clash of cultures, a hardening of positions.

These leaders each have enormous resources. Instead of coming together for clear and coherent strategies, they will split, not on the surface but in truth. I am speaking now of a nuclear Iran. Decisions that could have adequately addressed the problem will become a lost opportunity. This is very, very serious, although not seen as such at this moment. Only in looking back will the world see how the division was brought about by Satan to allow Iran to develop its nuclear weapons. A nuclear Iran will totally shift the balance of power in the whole world.

This should never have been allowed to take place. Delay, delay, delay. This has been the strategy. Put off. Put off. Never face the reality. Such is the atmosphere that Satan creates for his designs.

I see it. I will plan for it. I am already making my moves to bring the Church into greater and greater light, so that in the darkness ahead there will be at least one great voice of light.

Comment: As Our Lady speaks of these problems, we know that she has not abandoned us.

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