Marian Cross - Transparent Background

A Narrow Gate and Wide Open Doors

Thursday, April 26, 2012


I open wide the doors. These are not doors to riches or to fame but wide doors to eternal life. Jesus has said that the door to life is narrow but for those who know my secrets, I make the narrow door wide. I do this so no one gets discouraged and gives up because of their failures and sins. Let me explain how I make the narrow door so wide.

Standing Before the Door

When Jesus spoke, many had no idea of the obligations imposed by the kingdom. So, to awaken them, Jesus used this image of the narrow door. Now, I cannot change the size of the door but what I do is this. I stand before the door and I open my arms and my heart. These are wide and open and anyone can enter. As they stay with me, my heart changes them and, by the time they arrive at death – for that is the door to eternity – they are ready to enter Jesus’ narrow door.

Preparing All Who Enter

If they waited and tried to prepare themselves (as some foolishly do), they would have a hard time getting themselves through Jesus’ narrow door. However, the doors of my Immaculate Heart are wide open and invite everyone. When a person enters, I embrace them and they feel so welcome. I see clearly that they are not at all ready to enter Jesus’ narrow door, so I teach them to obey. That is the first lesson of every mother. Secondly, I teach them right from wrong, and they see what they must do. I encourage them and assure them that they will be much happier if only they obey God.

I then begin to lead them down a road of light. First, sinful attachments are surrendered. Then, love for others is infused. The person breathes the pure air of honesty and truth. They begin to like this road. They enjoy their new style of life. I introduce them to others who are also in my heart. These encourage them (for, indeed, they need others). I even provide life-long friends, committed to gain the kingdom.

No Fear

As they continue on this road they are more than ready to enter by Jesus’ narrow gate. O reader, do not fear what is in store if you give yourself to God. Begin with my heart’s wide open doors and I will embrace you.

Comment: Mary’s invitation is so true. She is the easy road to eternal life.

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