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A Mother’s Promptings

Sunday, January 26, 2014


No one else can show mankind the road to hope. The world is filled with false promises and easy solutions that solve nothing and lead to greater difficulties.

I point out a different road. The goal is not gained overnight, nor are the rewards quickly seen, but slowly the person realizes the deep inner changes that happen.

The road of hope leads man into his own heart where I speak and act every day. He meets me there, in the quiet of prayer. Hope grows in stillness where ideas are conceived. These ideas come from me, a mother’s promptings. They flow from my heart to every human heart. They are flowing right now, O reader, into your heart. Be still. Listen and you will hear my voice, always, always filled with hope, always offering you some solution for your greatest burdens.

Continue to read each day and you will want to walk no other road. I must get you to the end of the road where eternal life begins.

Comment: Mary’s road of hope is very real. She speaks every minute. Listen to her voice in your heart.

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