A Marian Papacy
Saturday, February 18, 2012
Who is able to understand? Who correctly sees all the forces that are about to clash? Who can predict the outcome when so much is unknown? Man faces a very uncertain future and he does not have within his hands those powers needed to control what will happen.
No Longer on the Sidelines
I stand on the sidelines, willing and able to moderate the conflicts and to bring peace, but no one asks. No one seeks my help. So, I initiate these messages. I refuse to stand on the sidelines. I refuse to watch passively while Satan destroys the earth and kills my children. I will insert myself into the fray. I will choose my doors into the arena. I will not be kept away from the combat.
Did I not stand at the foot of the cross? Was I not present when that great battle between light and darkness, between heaven and hell, took place? I was not the main combatant. Jesus, my Son, was the great warrior, but I stood at his side as he led the army of heaven into victory.
A Pope Son
So, I will stand at the side of another son, a human son, whom I will lift up to the papacy. No one will doubt who it is. I will not let him stay in the shadows (even though at present he is covered with the greatest of shadows and is hidden in my heart). I will bring him forth for all to see. He will acknowledge completely that I alone have lifted him up to the papacy. I will put my seal upon him. He will act only in my name. He will have a Marian papacy, rooted totally in my promises, especially in the words that I spoke at Fatima. With this pope, the Age of Mary will come to its total height and will forever be upon the lampstand until the end of time.
Hidden But Promised
When this is accomplished, all the light and power which I have placed in the hearts of many come to fulfillment. When I fulfill this promise, those who have pushed aside my devotions will see their foolishness. I say to all, “Pray for this pope son of mine. He is hidden deeply in my heart because I want nothing to harm him. Pray that all the startling events take place so that he is raised aloft. In him the nations will rejoice”.
Comment: Mary makes many promises but this one is so clear. All will know when it is fulfilled.

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