A Love Waiting for You
Friday, July 15, 2011
My heart overflows with love for all mankind. No human heart is excluded from my love. This is why I ascend this pulpit of the world. So, I can reach out to all men. Today I reach out to the neglected, to those persons who have received so little love in their life. You do not believe in a God of love because you have experienced so little love. To you I speak. Let us begin.
How different you were from the other children. You experienced a life of constant emptiness.
You did not realize this until you were old enough to understand. Your home was different, empty of human affection, sometimes filled with gigantic disorders (which I will not list).
Then came false love, the love you sought from those of your own age. You always met with constant failures. Then, you chose a marriage partner and found yourself inadequate. How could you respond in love, when you had never experienced love? And so it has been. Love, love, love. It has never been there and you have never been able to receive love or to give love, even though you tried so hard to do so.
Now the years go by and your life narrows. You foresee a future in which true love is impossible. The world has cast you aside. You are no longer young (at least as the world defines young). What do I say to you?
First, my heart goes out to you. You have truly been deprived of life’s greatest gift – love.
You have searched – oh how you have searched for love – but so many times in the wrong places.
Now, I will turn your heart with these words. “It is not too late because my Son has planted a river of love within you called the Holy Spirit, a veritable fire of every kind of love. You will be able to experience his love as so many others have. His is a redeeming love. His first task is to wash away all your sins, quickly and immediately, so that you experience a freedom.
The past will have no control over you. Then, this Holy Spirit will release the heavenly Father’s love for you, and you will know you are his child. Jesus will take you into his arms, for you are truly a straying sheep. Then I will grasp you and offer you the warm love of a mother.” All I can do is to tell you that this love is waiting for you. Take my hand and I will lead you there.
Comment: Many are deprived of human love. No one needs to be deprived of Mary’s love.
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