A Long Process
Friday, February 15, 2013
The events will be guided by my hands. There will be a series of decisions that will move along the right path, all going toward the goal. People are in place whom I can easily stir into action so that my interests are safeguarded and all comes to its proper conclusion. This will not be a short process, or one that will be completed quickly. The cardinals will go back and forth, looking at many possible candidates. In all of this, I will be guiding them by my inner light, attracting them to some candidates and leading them away from others. All they need to do is to be led by my Spirit. Sufficient numbers will follow the Spirit so the purpose of the conclave is fulfilled.
Mary’s Moment of Joy
The time is fruitful, like a woman about to give birth. That is exactly what will happen. I will bring into the daylight the one whom I have kept so hidden, always nourishing him and providing a place of life. Now is the time for him to come forth.
I rejoice. I truly rejoice in all of these events. They are brought about by the Spirit of God and they will be completed as the Spirit continually breathes upon the whole Church. Yes, the whole Church must share deeply in these events because your mother is about to bring forth the pope who will consecrate Russia to my Immaculate Heart. It can no longer be delayed.

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Last Publish: September 20, 2024