A Little Voice
Saturday, June 22, 2013
I come to the heart of the issue. When I appeared to the three children (1917), I foresaw all that would occur in the 20th century. I saw the forces gathered again for war. I foresaw the great destruction reeked by the opposing armies. However, during that war many called out to me and I brought it to a conclusion.
Quickly, other forces arose and the Cold War began. This, too, I brought to an end. However, scattered throughout the world, many smaller destructive seeds were sown and now they have coalesced. They are active in every nation and, because not linked to one nation, they are difficult to turn back.
The world sees itself as helpless and on a road of destruction. This is true. I must say the time is short and the road ahead is beyond human imagination. So, I have raised up this tiny voice, still hidden, which proclaims my words. Listen carefully, for I will use this voice time and again.

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Last Publish: September 20, 2024