A Day of Infamy
Thursday, September 11, 2014
As I pour out my words all will know that they are gifts of my Immaculate Heart for they will be rich but simple, easy to remember and always able to bring hope, even though they speak of dark events.
Let us walk into the future together. Through my words you can take my hand. My voice will always speak, and although darkness is all around you, will not be in darkness. A strange and powerful light will fill your heart and the evil will not touch you. From the light will come my voice which you will recognize. By my voice I will comfort you.
Today (September 11) is a day of infamy, of tragedy, and worst of all, a day that always inspires new and more violent acts of terrorism. Satan, who stirred up those who perpetrated the original acts, has laid claim to this day. Why? He is not the Lord. He has no right to a day. However, those who serve him have now claimed this day.
Can I not take this day back? Can I not reclaim this day for my Son? Next year is so important. Let my followers prepare and gather. Do not surrender this day to the Evil One, otherwise the terror will grow.
Comment: Our Lady wants us to prepare for September 11, 2015 and reclaim the day for Jesus Christ.

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Last Publish: September 20, 2024