A Chosen Son
Monday, January 19, 2015
No chance. The world has no chance without my path. The world will stumble and fall. Even worse, they will find no direction and enter into a pit of no return. The present moment is a period of time like none other. Everyone begins to catch a glimpse and to see this on the horizon.
Yet, I do not preach gloom and doom. I preach about light and a safe path. I speak of the darkness so that when the events happen, you will believe my voice that a safe path does exist.
Do not place your trust in false leaders. Do not trust leaders who claim to know the path. As the darkness grows, I will raise up my leader, stamped with all my credentials, anointed with the Holy Spirit, totally one with me as a special son, always faithful to my name, always anxious for my glory. He will deliver my words. Even now, I am doing a special work in his heart. I am clothing him in the sun. This is the special son of Fatima. I have stamped Fatima on his heart and this will be the sign by which you know that this is my son whom I have chosen so the whole world will find my path.
All will be clear. All will be external. The guidance will be given every day. I will teach him all the strategies of the Evil One. I will make his voice ring out over the whole world. You will know him by this one sign. He will be my priest son who has Fatima engraved on his heart and whose name is engraved on my heart. The path will be safe. Just listen to him.
Comment: Our Lady makes this path so easy to find. The light will come from a leader whom she raises up.

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