Locutions to The World III
(May 6, 2011 - June 25, 2011)
Preparing for the Chastisement
May 6, 2011
A Chastisement of Mercy
A time of great trial will come upon the world, a great distress of the nations. Many will die. Others will not know what to do. However, those who know me and know my words will have enough light to get through this period of darkness.
The world will be purged by this extraordinary divine intervention. This is the purpose of the trial because the Father would not do this if he had any other choice. He cannot allow the world to go on as it is. If he did not intervene, as drastic as this is, life on earth would be even worse. Man would inflict on man unheard of sufferings as the weapons of mass destruction are released by those who are under the control of the evil one. So, what looks like divine chastisements are really acts of his mercy. God will purge the world before man destroys it.
Comment: Mary says that God must act to cleanse the world and also to avoid greater suffering inflicted by man himself through nuclear arms.
God’s Care for the Living and the Dead
Those who live in light and believe my words will know this is true. Even in the worst moments, they will see God’s purposes and know what to do. Some will die but they will accept their deaths in a spirit of faith, knowing that they have used their lives to love and serve God. They will have no regrets and the Spirit will console their inner being.
Others will be preserved from death by the Spirit so they can form the new Church that will arise, the light of the new mankind that will be fashioned by the Father. This will include people from all over the world. They will be people of faith, even if they did not believe before. They will have come to faith in the middle of the trials because of the signs in the heavens and the wonders upon earth. They will know that God has saved them and they will tell the story to their children and their children’s children.
Comment: Both good and bad will die. God’s rain falls on the just and the unjust, but the Spirit will be able to console the good. He will also care for those who survive and have come to faith.
A New Creation
It will be like a new creation. Man will once more realize that he owes his existence to God’s choice. He will no longer say, “The earth is mine to do what I want”. Instead, he will say, “The earth belongs to God and I am the caretaker of his creation”.
Man will once more stand in God’s presence and will rejoice in the title “Children of God”.
Faith will be everywhere. Man will see clearly that all life comes from God. A new world will begin, “as it was in the beginning”.
Man will still be free, still able to choose good and evil, but man will be so filled with light that good will be easily chosen and evil will be easily rejected. All of this can only take place after the world is purged.
Comment: Seeing the final result of the purging gives hope and purpose.
New Lights for People of Faith
I say all this to prepare you for these events. Prepare, you must. Whoever is not prepared will perish from hopelessness and despair, devoid of all light and understanding. Satan will put out all the lights of the world, all that men hoped would save them.
However, I will shine my light, new lights, extraordinary lights, seen only by people of faith, words heard only by those whom I have trained to listen. Let me explain.
The heavenly Father wants to communicate with his children by the powers of the Holy Spirit.
This Age of the Spirit has already begun but too few are aware, even in the Church. I have appeared to some and have made certain places sources of divine messages. These are a sign to all, but my plan goes much further. The Father will pour out the Spirit on all mankind and I am his messenger.
Comment: The Father speaks to his children by the Holy Spirit. We must learn how the Spirit speaks and guides us.
True Light – Extraordinary Yet Essential
Two things must happen. All must be open to this new inner light and all must be aware of false lights. There will be extraordinary true lights and extraordinary false lights.
I will raise up leaders in my Church who will know the true light by their own deep personal experiences and by their solid theology. They will point out the true light and will reject the false light. Follow them. Plunge into this true light for it will be the only light that you have in the darkness. Get used to the light and learn how it guides you.
All of this is extraordinary but the darkness will be extraordinary. The deep personal light of the Holy Spirit guiding individuals and families will become essential.
Comment: God’s light will be new and, before the darkness, we must become familiar with it.
Gathering in the Light
You cannot be like the foolish virgins who believed that they could get oil for their lamps at the last minute. You cannot gain this new light when the darkness comes upon you. You must become a child of the light now. I say “now” because the Spirit’s light is available and he will train you in the light. You will learn to act in his light. You will also gather others, because many must walk in this light.
You must gather. Gather in praise, exalting my Son, Jesus. This is the Spirit’s method to give light. Gather daily. Lift your hands in praise and the Spirit will descend upon you. Otherwise you will never learn his gifts or receive the light that I intend.
Do not ask me to tell you when these trials will begin or to give you signs. Doing that is useless. Even with the clearest signs, people will not listen. My words are enough and they are clear. Why talk about some future sign when I have already told you to begin now. If you do not believe and if you do not start now, will you start in the future? Will some sign jolt you into belief? You will be jolted but not by my signs.
My words are signs and I tell you clearly that this is the Age of the Holy Spirit. If you invoke him, he will give you personal signs, especially a unity with others.
Comment: Mary tells us to invoke the Holy Spirit. Gather with others. Praise God in unison. Learn the charisms, how the Spirit reveals his words. Special signs are useless. Her instructions are enough.
The Scattered Children Must Gather
I sorrow over my children because they are scattered. Their little light cannot overcome the darkness and they cannot survive even now, before the great darkness comes. What will they be like when Satan puts out all the lights?
When people invoke the Holy Spirit, he joins them together. They find a common voice of praise. They lift their hands to the Father. While they pour out their praise, the Spirit joins their hearts. They are no longer alone. They have others are their side.
I will be with all of these little groups. They will be called Marian Gatherings of the Holy Spirit. Even if just three or four gather, this will be enough. I will teach them and they will learn together. This advice is very easy but this is how you will prepare for the darkness. Gather with others in a Marian Gathering of the Holy Spirit. Do not put this off. If you go and search, I promise that you will find others. Then you will discover my plan for you. You will rejoice and say, “Mary has provided me with others. Together we will prepare for the darkness. May I find you together when I come”.
Comment: Mary’s advice is easy. Her children are too scattered. They must come together in a Marian Gathering of the Holy Spirit. They will be blessed as long as they stay together.
A Clear Plan of Action
What will you do when you gather? You will read my words. They will teach you. More important, you will give me your hearts as slaves of the Immaculate Heart as taught by St. Louis de Montfort.
This is only the beginning. Let each one use their gift of the Spirit. Let each heart, touched by the Spirit, bring forth a word, a hymn, a revelation. Serve one another with the spiritual gifts. Do not wander into other concerns. The Spirit must do his work in you and you must learn his ways. Enough for now. I have given you a clear plan. Begin to act.
Comment: You are told what to do in these gatherings. Read Mary’s words. Consecrate yourself to Mary in True Devotion. Use the Spirit’s gifts. Learn the Spirit’s ways. Do this right now.
For Study:
“Treatise on True Devotion to the Blessed Virgin” by St. Louis de Montfort
Family Preparations
Different structures must be built. Tiny structures which can multiply and be present everywhere. These structures will survive. They can be built right now. Whose authority do you need to gather in your home? Whose blessing must you seek for family prayer? I give you my authority and my blessing. Begin now, before it is too late. Gather your children into the Marian Gatherings of the Holy Spirit. Since this is where everything must begin, I will speak to the parents.
Comment: Mary wants these groups to start immediately. The easiest place is in the home.
Anxieties of Parents
How anxious you are. You have brought your children into the world, but now you see, only dimly, the great questions about the future of the human race. What will be the future of your children who have so many years ahead (years when you will not be with them)? Even now, fear covers you. You can see all the problems on the horizon. When you hold them in your arms, do you not ask, “What is in store for them? How will I keep them safe?” These questions must lead you into action. Follow the safe path which I offer to you.
Comment: The future problems can be seen on the horizon. Loving parents inevitably suffer from anxiety. Mary will provide a plan of action.
Four Pieces of Advice
First, you must believe that I will keep you and your family safe, but only in my Immaculate Heart. That is why the heavenly Father wants to establish devotion to my Immaculate Heart. Do not follow any other path. This is the sure, the easy and the short road. You will never arrive by any other means.
Second, you must give me your heart so I can purify it of all its sinful desires.
Third, you must bring to me all the members of your family so I can purify their hearts. There is no salvation without purification.
Fourth, you must gather together in my heart. This is not optional. I can only bless those who gather. I can seek the scattered sheep but only so that I can gather them with the others. A scattered sheep is a lost sheep until it learns to stay with the flock.
Comment: These four pieces of advice are basic. They must be fulfilled for Mary to give greater help.
More Advice
Now I must go deeper. My words are true treasures that come from my heart.
First, read God’s word. Take it to heart. Love that word. Let it be a light for your path. Let the word live in your family. Live by the word. Study it. Memorize it. Too many Catholics are ignorant of the word. I pondered the word that I was taught at the synagogue. You, too, must ponder it.
Second, purify your home. Remove whatever I would not want to be there. Make it a Marian home.
Clean out the secret recesses. Let nothing unclean enter your home. I will bless a purified home. I cannot bless a home which tolerates sin.
Now, let us go still deeper. I want love among the family members and peace in their relationships. I want truth to reign, together with honesty and purity. I want family meals and time for the children. I will make all of this possible if only you have faith in me and allow me to act. I ask only good will and a willingness to begin again when you have failed.
Any home which does this, I will bless and I will make it a light for others. When the darkness comes, these lights that you and I have set in place will not go out.
Comment: These are perfect guidelines. Each parent will be touched by different sentences. Each command also carries some promise of Mary’s help to implement it.
Mary and World Events
May 10, 2011
The Darkness of the Mideast Uprisings
Some nations are already in darkness. Others are in twilight, retaining some light. However, nothing is secure. Everything can change and much will change. Many nations are now in tumult, faced with the uprisings of their people. The West looks on, unable to comprehend what is happening, unable to see what will be the final result.
These uprisings are the beginning of the darkness, the first stirrings, the early signs. Yet, no one sees them for what they are. Many in the West think they are the first stirrings of freedom and democracy. You fools. These are not stirrings of light. They are stirrings of darkness. These nations are in twilight and these uprisings will put them into complete darkness.
I want these people to be free, but years have passed and who has preached the gospel of my Son to these nations? The West has never understood. Only the Spirit of my Son can set free.
Whomever the Son sets free is free, indeed.
These are not religious revolutions, where people of light throw off the darkness of a dictator or the darkness of a system. These are secular revolutions and these nations will go from one darkness to another. What is secular is dark. What has no roots in God’s word cannot bring about life and freedom.
The West has forgotten this. It has pulled up its own religious roots. You have only a light which is left over from centuries of abiding in God’s word. This word you have rejected. Soon, your light will go out, also.
Comment: Mary sees all the uprisings in the Middle East quite differently than Western leaders. These nations have killed Christians and the missionaries. How can they now have a true light or true freedom?
A Son Whom I Will Call to Jerusalem
I will call a son from the West and he will go to the Middle East. He will bring no armaments of war, no secular powers, no large bureaucracy. He will come because I have given him my word. He already knows to come. To come and to lay down his life and to plant afresh the seed of God’s word. He will be my Pope. With him, will come others, not to conquer any land or to claim any kingdom. They will come only because I said to them, “Go to where I lived. Go to where my Son preached”. All of them will go in faith and when they come, they will do only what I tell them to do. There will be only a short time, just as my Son preached only a short time. They will find disciples and they will carry on the word.
“What can be accomplished by a Pope?” you ask. He will plant a light, a light at the top of the mountain, a light that will never go out, a light that all the nations and all the Churches and even all of Israel will walk by. It will be the Lord’s mountain and all will say, “Let us climb the mountain of the Lord”.
When nations climb the Lord’s mountain, then their weapons will be beaten into plowshares and peace will come to the nations. This is the true light and I will bring it about, but only after a long darkness that convinces the world that it possesses no light at all. It will be a seed, planted in faith, which will become a gigantic tree that all the nations can rest in.
Jerusalem will be the city of world peace as all the nations realize that my Son’s blood was shed there, the blood which still cries out to the heavenly Father for peace to men of good will.
Comment: Jesus’ blood, shed in Jerusalem, still has power to sanctify the city so that Jerusalem will be the light of the world. However, many events must happen before that takes place.
America’s Shriveled Roots
America, you have killed your enemy, Bin Laden, but you have not solved your problems. Your difficulties lie in your roots. The roots of your life have shriveled and the roots of your desires have grown. These roots are planted in a lava waste and drain away your life. You are dying from within, unable to reverse the tide that has been unleashed by your turning to the secular.
Your roots were religious, based upon the strength of the Churches and the high morality of your people, in the sanctity of life and the holiness of marriage. You guarded your young against pornography. All was in order. You flourished in the discipline of your life and in the discipline of your spending. This was the high level, the truly American life, where human life was human life meant (always) to be protected.
You can see what has happened. The roots of life have shriveled and the life that you enjoy now is a remnant from the past, given to you by your religious roots which brought forth America, one nation under God. I ask you, “Who is under God now?”
I want to draw you back to where you belong and where you will thrive again. I would draw you to a nation under God, but you will not come. You want your freedoms, even those which violate God’s will. You do not want to be a nation under God. You cry out, “Do not speak to us, O God. We do not want to know your will. We do not want to ask, “What is God’s will?” When voices are raised about God’s will, you say, “We have separation of Church and State.”
Shall we go our separate ways? Do you want to form your secular state? Is this what you want?
Are you asking for a divorce? A divorce from the woman who gave birth to a nation?
Think it over again. Ask yourself, “What course am I choosing? Do I really want to follow the road of Europe? Or, should I go back to the Churches? Should I ask them to teach me again?
Should I say to the Churches, “Teach my children for they no longer know right from wrong. I have taught them what works. I have given them skills. But, they have never learned who created them or the way of true life. Here, take my children and teach them the ways of the Lord”.
It is not too late, America, but our separation must be ended. You have listened to the wrong voices and have cast out the mother of your children.
Can it happen? Can religious life be restored to its proper place? Just open your doors. Do not listen to those who want to kill your religious spirit. The roots are shriveled but they are not dead. Restore your roots and they will give life.
Comment: The disease of the removal of religious thought from public life is pervasive, resulting in the least religious young adult generation in America (shown by all the statistical polls). Religious life and thought must be invited back in America’s public marketplace.
The Need for Peacemakers
Slowly, ever so slowly, I reveal my plan, a plan of love where every heart is turned away from hatred and revenge. From the evil in men’s hearts come wars and exploitations, now seen on a scale never imagined before. Only love, forgiveness, repentance, reconciliation, a putting aside of the past is the road to walk. But who walks this road?
Where are the peacemakers? They have vanished from public life. I must raise up a new army and once more stir the consciences of the world. These peacemakers will be gunned down, as were the others who preached non-violence. The blood of these martyrs calls out. They ask, “Has our message been forgotten? Has the soldier become the hero? Have the weapons of war become the new idol of America? Where is the stream of peace that used to flow so strongly in the hearts of the young? Where are the peace movements? Where are the prophets who would shed no blood but would allow their own to be shed?”
Do we no longer raise the question about a just war? About appropriate means? About the costs of armaments? Or is it the blank check which we provide to the military complex, saying, “Produce the best technology at any cost?”
You have wandered down the wrong road, America, taking to yourself prerogatives that you do not have. Return to the heart of the republic. Let the voices of peace be raised. They have not been heard from in a long time.
Comment: Mary recalls an earlier era when political leaders had to pay attention to peace groups that protested the Vietnam War. Since there is no more draft, these voices have not been heard from recently.
Mary’s Role – Statesperson to the World
May 11, 2011
Mankind must be lifted up. It needs the words of statesmen and poets to form a conscience, to call political leaders to higher ideals. Since these voices are missing in America, I will become the statesman and the poet. People will hear a new voice, because others have forsaken this task.
I will touch the heart of the country which I love so much and which I have made so powerful.
Its greatest moments and its most important tasks lie ahead. First, its heart must be lifted up, or else it will falter. Even worse, it will turn aside to a goal that is unworthy. This is the real temptation for America.
Listen to me, America. I have not raised you up to conquer the world. I have not raised you up to invent new weapons. I have not raised you up so you can sell your weapons to whomever will pay our price and support your economy.
America, I have raised you up to feed the world. Look at the farms I have given you, a fullness of natural resources.
I have raised you up so you could export your medicines, not your weapons. I have raised you up to eradicate disease and to bless the poor. Instead, you send forth your soldiers; not your doctors, your weapons not your food.
You must see all that you can accomplish with your discoveries and your methods. Fund governments that will welcome your help. Use your farmlands that deliberately lie fallow.
These unused lands are an abomination to me.
Open up new rivers of aid, let your riches flow in new ways. Then you will have friends among the nations.
Do not listen to your bankers. Listen to the cries of the poor and the hungry in other nations. If you care for them, I will care for you. If you let them grow hungry, I will let your children also taste the evil of famine.
I have given you a destiny but you have turned away from it, ignoring the prophets of peace.
Comment: Caring for the world demands a heart that loves the world.
A Commentary on the Modern World
May 12, 2011
Revealing Her Secrets
All the doors will open – the doors to nations, the doors to leaders, the doors to the hearts of the people, the doors to my secrets, and the door to my heart. Nothing will be hidden. All will be revealed to know and to see and to believe. The words will reveal the truths behind the reality. Just let the words flow like a stream. Let us begin.
Comment: All will be touched by the words that follow revealing the realities beneath the surface.
The Streams of Heaven’s Blessings
When men harden their hearts, the stream of heaven’s blessings cannot flow into that place.
God did not place every blessing in creation. He reserved some powers to himself. He held back the power to create the human person, reserving that to himself.
This is only the first “holding back” because the Father also holds back every spiritual blessing. He “held them back” in the sense that they are not in the power of man. God did not give to man the power to create the spiritual. Man cannot create peace or goodness or forgiveness. He also cannot overcome spiritual evils – hatred, envy, lust. Overcoming these is beyond his power.
Yet, look at mankind. Does it not believe that everything is within it powers? Then, when society is pulled apart, when violence erupts between nations, mankind is surprised and asks, “Why does this happen?” Man does not understand the heavenly stream that flows from the throne of God. This stream contains every blessing that mankind so desperately needs. The Father has provided everything but mankind does not look to the Father. Mankind operates with the false notion that he contains in his hands all that is needed to form human life and world peace.
Mankind wants creation for himself. He wants to take it and say “this is mine”. O foolish man.
Creation is not yours. Creation belongs to God. You do not have everything in your hands. The Father knew you would take everything to yourself. He knew you would appropriate what is his.
Creation is not owned by man but by God. Let your wars, your killings, you revolutions, your intrigues – let them all speak to you. You will not listen to the churches so listen to your worldly news. Just listen to what is broadcast each night on your televisions.
Tell me, O conceited man, do you have peace? Look at the stirrings on every side. You do not have enough bombs, enough drones, enough technology to bring about peace. War, war, war.
There is war everywhere and the seeds of greater wars are already planted and waiting to be harvested.
You have forsaken the heavenly stream that flows from the throne of God. Come, turn back. If you begin again to drink from this stream, you will not need your guns and your bombs. Whoever drinks from this stream tastes peace and when anyone tastes peace they say, “Never again.
Never again the war”. That is when you have true peace. I am your mother, sorrowing over her children as they kill one another.
Comment: Mary pinpoints the problem. Mankind does not have all power. Many needed blessings come only from God but mankind does not look to the Father.
The Collapse of False Hopes
Can you dream only of material goals? Are your hearts limited to the sensual? Is this the way the Father made you? Did he not place a different dream in your heart? You ignore this. You are a stranger to your own heart. So many truths are planted there. Read them all. I will be your teacher. Let us begin.
It is spring. The flowers are fresh. The winter is over. All is hope. Nothing has come forth yet but all is beginning. Who placed hope in your heart? What is its purpose? Hope is often mangled, twisted to false goals. When this happens, hope becomes ambition, greed, a climb to power. False goals abound. When they are gained, they bring disillusion. You ask, “What is life all about? Why did I seek this? Why did I believe the false promises?
You have misread the hope which the heavenly Father placed in your heart. You have misused the promise of your life’s springtime. Go back. Find true hope, a hope that deals with heaven and with a life that you cannot see.
It is not too late, even if your earthly career has crashed. Do you not see? It is your false hopes that have collapsed. Now that they are scattered to the winds, you can search again for the true hopes. These are planted in your heart by the heavenly Father. You are made for God.
Nothing else will satisfy you. You are made for heaven. Earth passes away.
Do not say ”I am without hope”. Look again in your heart. An unopened gift still remains there. It reads, “If you wish, you can be a child of God and a citizen of heaven.
Comment: This is a beautiful teaching on hope. Directing hope to earthly goals mangles it. Destroyed earthly hopes recalls that a true hope is still an unopened gift planted in your heart.
Mary Sorrows Over Lost Souls
I want to share my sorrows. There are some who died today who will never live with me and some who will die tomorrow and not be with me. Many do not hear the gospel because they live in cultures of darkness. So my words must reach the darkest places of the world.
At first, my words will not be accompanied by signs but the time will come when my words are challenged. Then, I will give signs, not for those who challenge, but for the little ones, that they would continue to believe. Therefore, be open to the greatest of divine favors, even revelations of events that will take place. I will speak of the future actions of God and man.
I will speak of diabolical actions and reveal them ahead of time. I do all this because of my great sorrow for souls. The greatest divine favor is to love souls as I love them and to share in my sorrow over lost souls.
Comment: Mary’s heart is broken over souls who will not enter heaven.
Understanding Worldwide Evil
May 15, 2011
The Trojan Horse
Good and evil are not separated. They are intertwined in every event and in every moment. Evil inserts itself into all that is good and good is present even when evil seems to be triumphant. This is the mystery I will explain. Except in those actions which are totally divine, all of human history is a mixture of good and evil.
Not understanding that human events are a mixing of good and evil, man often proclaims as good what is only partially good. He, then, opens his heart to it, not knowing that evil enters with the good. If the evil is not impeded, it takes over the good and destroys it. There remains only the selfishness of man, not the goodness of God which initially inspired the action.
Look at human history. So many events and movements have begun with the good but have ended with evil. See the French Revolution that began with high ideals but soon became the tool of evil, causing social disruption, overturning the divine and making reason the new god of mankind. So much evil goes back to that revolution because man was not aware that evil attached itself to good, like the Trojan horse, to enter unnoticed into the city.
Comment: Mary points out what man often overlooks, the evil mixed with the good that enters history unnoticed until the effects are seen.
Explaining Why Man is Confused
Now, let me explain good and evil. Each has its own fruits and its own source. Good comes from God alone and is given freely to all creation. God saw that everything was good as it came from his hands. Man and woman were created in God’s own image. They were rooted in divine goodness, more than any other material creation. Man was meant to be the bearer of divine life and the purpose of material creation. Yet, man became the door to evil, the only door that Satan could have used, the only creature with free will. What was good (the free will of man) was used for evil and became the door to chaos.
The world is now filled with a goodness that comes from God and an evil that enters by man’s free will. Man does not understand this. It is like light and darkness. As if man forgot that all light comes from the sun. So, he walks away from the sun and is plunged in darkness and he does not know why. Man forgets God. He turns away from God and wonders why the world is plunged into evil. Then, he blames God for the evil that does not come from God.
Progress That is Not Progress
O Man, you must turn back to the source of all goodness. Purify your works of evil. Otherwise, you are blind. Your solutions will be no solutions until you understand that everything which man brings forth is a mixture of good and evil. Without God, the good will always carry evil with it. Without God, the good that was originally intended will soon surrender to the evil that accompanied it. It is a purified mankind that I seek, when creation will once again be creation, “as it was in the beginning”.
Without God, progress is not progress. To each new invention, evil is attached. I do not say, “Halt all progress”. I say, “Let your progress be done in God and it will be true progress.
Progress without God carries only greater potential for destruction.”
O Man without God, look at the world you have brought about. Is it progress that your bombs are atomic bombs? Is it progress that your technology destroys the very earth that you live on? Look at all your technology. Look at the powerful Internet that causes so many problems.
Look at everything. Everything you produce for good is taken over by evil. This is the mystery that I put before you. You are building a world without God. You are building a destructive creation. God must purify creation before creation destroys itself.
Comment: Mary answers a confusing question, “Why is the world less safe when we have had so much progress?”
Approaching a Disastrous Moment
The world is approaching that moment when the power of Satan will have two aspects. First, he will have linked his evil into what is truly a worldwide system. Second, this system will contain the power to destroy most of the world.
I say this. The heavenly Father will not allow this but he has only two alternatives. Either he purifies creation by divine chastisements that totally disrupt what Satan is putting in place so that all of creation is not destroyed. Or, the world comes into my Immaculate Heart and I reveal a much easier salvation, by which hearts are touched and the evil attached to progress and inventions is purified. In this way, the power is used for good and not evil.
The choice is a solemn one, filled with a thousand ramifications which touch the hearts of people and the fibers of society. I say this again and again – the secrets of God lie in my Immaculate Heart. That is where the Father has placed them.
Comment: What Mary says is almost self-evident. Man is approaching a moment when he not only can destroy himself but the forces of evil are present that are willingly and even hope to destroy large segments of humanity. What she reveals is even more important. The only way to avoid world-wide disaster is to listen to her wisdom.
Jerusalem – The World’s Center Stage
May 27, 2011
Killing the Pope
For years, I ministered with my disciples in Galilee. I placed in their hearts, the treasures of my words and the memories of my deeds. However, the culmination of my life was in Jerusalem. I went there in the heavenly Father’s time. It was Passover, with great expectancy in the air. The Jewish leaders wanted to kill me. Pilate, the Roman governor, was in Jerusalem for the feast. All was according to the Father’s plan.
Jerusalem is the world’s center stage, where two dramas are played out. The first was 2000 years ago. The second will be in modern times. Jerusalem is the world stage where the kingdoms of good and evil clash.
There will be efforts to gain peace for Israel but these will fail. These efforts are good but the world leaders do not see the depth of the problem, or the deeper clash that only faith reveals.
I preached for some days in Jerusalem so all would know that I was present. Then the drama began. Violence was the force used against me and death was the result. However, the victory was won. The great treasures were placed in the hearts of the disciples who preached my word to the world.
There will also be a modern drama. At just the right moment in the Father’s plan, the Pope will go to Jerusalem. Again, there will be anger and hatred. He will go as a man of peace. The enemies will use violence, as they have so often used terrorism. Their hatred against Israel will spill over. Their weapons will kill the Pope. Yet, he will be the victor. By his death, the weapons of violence will be seen for what they are – weapons that would strike down my Vicar, the great man of peace, who came to Jerusalem in my name. His death will usher in the gift of peace for the whole world, especially for Jerusalem.
Comment: Jesus again highlights the importance of the death of the pope that will take place in that city.
Jerusalem held two dramas for me. When Jesus was a boy, I found him in the temple. He said, “Did you not know that I must be about my Father’s business?” I realized that he was no longer a child who belonged to me. He was a Son, who belonged to the heavenly Father.
Years later, when I went to Jerusalem for the Passover, I knew this drama would be repeated, but in a greater degree. I again would lose him to the will of the heavenly Father.
There will be another drama. I will go with another son, my Pope. He will enter the city like Jesus, a messenger of God’s peace. But, I will no longer be just a daughter of Israel. I will be the Woman, clothed in the sun. I could not control the events of the crucifixion or the cruelty of the Roman soldiers, but I will be able to control these events. There will be the Pope’s death, but I will temper the sufferings and remove the unnecessary torments. Death will come suddenly and quickly.
Comment: Although world leaders give no special notice to Jerusalem, except for its political importance, both God and Satan see the city as the place of their first clash. This resulted in Satan’s defeat, but he is confident that he can conquer, using the same force, hatred and violence, that he used previously.
Reactions to Scarcities
June 3, 2011
When some darkness enters human life, Satan stirs people to react selfishly so that a much greater darkness results.
This first round of evil will begin with scarcity, but the greater evil will result from the selfish response to scarcity. When nations and groups see themselves as threatened, they will begin to horde for the future, setting aside much greater resources than they really need.
This creates even greater scarcities because they do not think of others and they overestimate the problems. The unity that has been forged in what is called “the global economy” will be tested, stretched out, and, in some cases, broken.
Leadership in America
Even in the greatest of all unities, the United States, the scarcities will begin to affect life. America was built upon abundance and, with abundance, the belief that all should share.
Scarcity will be a new experience for modern Americans. I say that it is not too late for America but people must pray for new leadership.
I say this strongly. America must come out of its darkness, led by new political leaders. Now these leaders sit on the sidelines. I do not say to them, “Get off the sidelines”. Rather, I say to America, “If you pray, God will change your political climate, so that those who can lead you will be stirred to step forward and assume the responsibilities. If you pray and repent, changing your goals, then I will send people to lead you. America, it is not too late but you must act quickly.”
Comment: Mary again addresses the need for constant prayer to create a political a political climate of change.
The Middle East Disruptions
June 6, 2011
Human life is a drama. The heavenly Father does not write all the parts because everyone has free will. The Father does not control the timetable (although he knows what will happen) nor all the events. Much is left to man’s free will.
The Father’s original drama was destroyed by sin. Then I came and preached that the kingdom was at hand. This new drama began with my death and rising. Yet man remains free. He can accept the kingdom and become part of the Father’s drama. If not, he remains outside of the drama and his life is useless.
World events involve the clash of the kingdom of God with the kingdom of Darkness. In all of this there is man’s free will. This determines the timetable and even the specific events.
A person who loves the kingdom and always seeks the kingdom moves up the timetable of completion. A person immersed in evil slows the timetable and tries to place obstacles to the kingdom. From these obstacles come the events of darkness which are now happening. An important event is the widespread disruptions in the Muslim countries. Many do not see the great evil contained in them. I will explain what is happening.
In the Muslim world, there are people of light. These accept those parts of the Koran which are shared with the Jewish-Christian beliefs. They live these values in a Muslim culture.
Other Muslims are neutral, so to speak, they are not children of light but they are not given over to radical darkness. Then, there are Muslims who accept and follow the darker teachings of the Koran which are totally at odds with my teachings on love and peace.
In these Mideast disruptions, the radical darkness of the Muslim world is hidden but when the current leaders are toppled, they will use this opportunity to diminish the number of the other Muslims, to increase their own converts and to assume leadership in these countries.
These deceptions will not bring about an Arab spring but an Arab winter of desolation and destruction. They will not bring about the kingdom of God. They will only enhance the powers of darkness which oppose the kingdom.
Comment: These disruptions, although toppling dictators, will lead to a greater darkness – the rise to power of radical Muslims.
The Center of the Darkness
June 8, 2011
The wisdom and power of man are as nothing. They have no force and are totally ineffective in the face of evil.
Does not the heavenly Father have a plan and does he not have power? All of the darkness of evil has a center. From this center, the darkness emanates and receives its life. This center will be overcome by the light of truth.
All of the events of the Passion had one purpose, to lead me into the center of darkness which I could overcome the Evil One. I was captured, led to Pilate and then to Calvary. All of this took me into the center of darkness.
Previously, my life had been threatened but the Father preserved my life because I was not at the center. The center of darkness was in Jerusalem.
Comment: The worldwide darkness that we are all experiencing has a center. Trying to overcome the darkness is impossible. God will get to the center and remove its power and life.
The Wounded Side
Why was Jesus’ heart pierced when the redemption of the world had already been accomplished?
Jesus had no more free will. His soul had left his body. He had already entered into his glory.
This piercing took place for me and for all who would gather with me. The wound guaranteed that the Precious Blood would pour out constantly. The wound is also a place where all can enter. The wound was for me and for my accomplishing my task.
Comment: Mary explains the two-fold importance of the wounding – so Jesus’ blood can pour out and so we can enter.
Raising Up A New Church
June 12, 2011
Throughout America, the enemies of the Church are united. They share their secrets and their methods hoping to ruin the Church entirely and reduce it to silence. The Church is my bride but she has fallen into the hands of her worst enemies, who want to tear her to pieces. How I weep. What will I do?
I will raise up a new Church, a Church that worships in Spirit and in truth. While my enemies are destroying the institutional structures, I will raise up those individuals whom they cannot destroy. Suddenly, it will happen. A new Church, built upon the Spirit, so that those who attack the structures will be helpless.
On this Pentecost Sunday (when the Church was born) I begin right now to give birth to a new Church. Within a year, you will see before your eyes what I have done, whom I have raised up whom I have touched, and the methods I have given.
Later, I will deal with those enemies who have wounded my bride so seriously.
Comment: Jesus loves his bride and he will respond by strengthening the Church spiritually and, later, dealing with her enemies.
On the first Pentecost, I saw the Spirit guide Peter from beginning to end. He knew what to preach, what to say when questioned and how to complete the gift by baptizing the new believers.
I left Jerusalem for Ephesus with the Beloved Disciple and there emerged a new Church. John’s Church was held together by love and not by structure. So, there were two churches, the Church of structure and the Church of love. Often, the latter is set aside.
Now is the time to focus again on the Church of the Spirit because the Church of structure is under attack. There are two Churches, united in one. When one is attacked, the other must respond. That is what is needed today.
Comment: As the official, structured Church is under attack, the Church of the Spirit must grow powerfully so it can support the structured Church.
The Lights Going Out
The lights of the structured Church will go out. This seems hard to believe because these lights are all over the world, but much is possible for Satan, especially with the new means of communication.
Once the light of the Church was strong in North Africa, but it is no longer. Once it was very strong in the Middle East, but it is no longer. So, do not be secure. What exists can be destroyed and what you have can be taken away.
Comment: Jesus is not trying to scare us. He is warning that in this great darkness, Satan, by using the modern means of communication, can totally discredit the Church. We see this happening already in America.
Truth – the Source of All Blessings
June 25, 2011
Truth must not be concealed. This is the work of the Evil One who constantly hides the truth from man. If man were to see the truth, he would be free, for God is truth. Instead, the truth is covered over, clever words are used and devious reasonings lead men away from what is obvious. In these messages, I have come to reveal the truth, to pull away the demonic covers and to place the truth, as a light on the mountain, for all to see. Today, I begin with the heart of man that is so twisted.
When truth is presented to modern man, he does not accept it. Instead he judges it. Truth is from God and is never meant to be judged. Truth is the judge. To bring about its blessings (and all blessings come from the truth), truth needs to enter the heart in a complete and total form, untarnished by lies and not mixed with opinions.
This is not what happens today. Man makes himself the judge of truth. Man thinks that what is true is what man accepts and what is not true is what man does not accept. But truth stands outside of man. Truth exists first in the will of God. Man cannot change God’s will. And God, in his love for man, reveals his will. The revealed will of God is truth and is the source of all blessings, but only if man receives truth into his heart. This is so clear. Truth begins in God’s heart and is meant to be placed in man’s heart, so that God’s blessings can flow. If man rejects truth, then he absolutely cannot receive God’s blessings. He has rejected the source of blessings, my Son, who is the truth.
Comment: Rejecting the truth does not just put man into darkness, it makes him incapable of receiving God’s blessings.
The Power of Words
A word – how powerful is a word. A true word opens the heart to goodness. An evil word turns the heart to darkness. How many words spew forth from the mouth of men. Today, I would speak about the evil of deceitful words.
Evil words were first spoken by Satan to Eve. Satan knew that these words were not true. They were meant to accomplish his purposes, which were totally opposed to the blessings which God had in store for all mankind.
Deceitful words led the human race away from the path of God and led mankind down a road of frightful suffering and destruction.
The same is true today. Satan uses the same tactics. He raises up people and he places deceitful words in their minds. He promises them great powers if they just speak these words.
When they do, then Satan’s power is extended. He brings about exactly what he accomplished in the very beginning. He leads men down the road of deceit, a terrible road which leads only to confusion and despair.
That is why my Son said, “I am the Way, the Truth and the Life”. The true word leads mankind along a road that brings life.
Satan’s people will always speak words of deceit. They will always try to lead people away from truth. Their voices now are legion and the powers they have to communicate their deceits are more powerful and more extensive than ever (and will continue to expand).
What can I do? I can gather my children to listen to my words. Those who listen will walk a path of life and all the deceitful words, no matter how powerful or how multiplied, will have no power over them.
Comment: Deceitful words are satanic yet said and multiplied every day, deeply affecting mankind. Mary’s children need to constantly listen to her words – the antidote to satanic deceit. Please read on.

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