Locutions to the World
All messages
February 4, 2011 - December 31, 2011
- Lucy’s Fatima Vision
- Keep Your Eye on Israel
- Seeing the Future of Israel
- The Pope Dies in Jerusalem
- The Valley of Decision
- The Holy Spirit and the Immaculate Heart of Mary
- The Problem of Russia
- The Demonstrations in the Streets
- The Earth Tilts Toward Evil
- Significance of the Egyptian Uprising
- The Holy Spirit’s Words
- The Holy Spirit
- Mary Sets You Free
- Mary, Mother of the Church
- Cleansing the Heavenly Stream
- Rome and Jerusalem
- Attacks on the Worldwide Church
- Heaven’s Moments of Opportunity
- Mary’s Words of Advice
- Libya
- The Woman Who Conquers
- Conversions Through Signs and Wonders
- Explaining Divine Chastisements
- Our Lady Speaks to the Nations
- Mary Speaks to the Broken-hearted
- To Those Who Never Heard The Gospel
- Gaining Holiness in Mary’s Heart
- Receiving the Holy Spirit
- Mary Ascends the Electronic Pulpit (the Internet)
- Preparing for the Chastisement
- Mary and World Events
- Mary’s Role … Statesperson of the World
- A Commentary on the Modern World
- Understanding Worldwide Evil
- Jerusalem – The World’s Center Stage
- Reactions to Scarcities
- The Middle East Disruptions
- The Center of the Darkness
- Raising Up a New Church
- Truth – The Source of All Blessings
- Romantic Relationships – True and False
- The Protection Around Israel
- The Fires of Destruction
- Self-Love Destroys a True Relationship
- Bringing Mankind to It’s Knees
- A Purified Earth
- The Powerless Age of Reason
- The Spreading Worldwide Problems
- God’s Final Preacher
- Where Mankind is Headed
- A World Receiving Divine Glory
- Leaders for a New America
- I Will Walk With God
- A Release of the Heart
- A Gift for the Secular Person
- A Love Wainting for You
- Sin Destroys the Marital Relationship
- The Effects of a Home Without Love
- Declaring Endless Wars
- The Flow of Blessings
- The Power of the Evil One
- Scattering the Powers of Darkness
- The Way to the Way
- A Surprising River of Heaven
- The Surprising Door to Economic Recovery
- The Cuases of World Problems
- When God Withdraws
- Rich Nations Must Repent
- America’s Great Sins
- Cutting Samson’s Hair
- A Prophecy of Future Events
- How to Survive
- Electing a President
- Recapturing American Generosity
- Leaving the Father’s House
- The Egyptian Uprising
- Ability to Destroy Israel
- A Place Prepared in the Desert
- The False Light of Television
- The Consecration of Russia and the Jerusalem Papacy
- Sunday Shopping, Sports and Entertainment
- The Coming Worldwide Darkness
- The Coming Elections
- The Sunday Dollar
- Purged from Selfishness
- Strangling the Breath of Faith
- The Door of Repentance
- Destroying the False Lights
- Nuclear Proliferation
- The Power of the Culture
- The Pope’s Death
- The Effects of Consecrating Russia
- People in the Political Field
- Room in the Ark for Everyone
- When the Woman Spoke to George Washington
- The Greatness of Medjugorje
- Simple Truth Overcomes the Complicated Life
- Wisdom from On High
- Birthday of Mary, Mother of God
- A Surprising Outpouring of Repentance
- An Unswerving Will
- The Coming Election
- The Spirit Comes Upon the Virgin
- Preparing for a Journey
- A Summary of Her Teachings
- Look Into Your Heart
- Dangers to Israel
- A Future Full of Hope
- Preparing for the Floods
- Describing the Present Moment
- Three Unwanted Gifts
- Receiving the Fullness
- The Road The King Will Use to Come Again
- To The Disillusioned Person
- Listening to the Prophets
- Light Entering Your Heart
- A Help in Sorrows
- Nuclear Proliferation
- The Need for Just Systems
- Jerusalem – The Center for World Peace
- Closing the Doors of Death
- Living in Truth
- How to Gain the End of the Road
- Mary is Always Seeking You
- Four Clear Points
- Immoral People in High Places
- The Waves Beating Upon the Shores
- God Does Something New
- A Purified Humanity
- The Election Process
- Our Lady of the Rosary
- Seeking the Right Help
- The Most Unique Moment in History
- Building Systems Without God’s Wisdom
- A New Spiritual Greenhouse
- Disturber of the Peace
- The Coming Economic Collapse
- The Satanic Control of Russian Leaders
- The Jerusalem Covenant of Blood
- Explaining the “Events”
- A Return to a Non-Nuclear Age
- Feeding the Desires of the Spirit
- The Coming Hour of God’s Intervention
- The Coming Economic Scandals
- In the Middle of a War
- Needed: A Public Turning to God
- Picking the Vice President
- Having No Poor in Your Midst
- Inviting Mary onto the World Stage
- Mary the Fundamentalist
- The Real Face of the Arab Spring
- Safeguarding the Other Children
- Lanterns in an Emergency
- The Responsibility of Parents
- Avoiding Foolish Choices
- The State of Egypt
- Understanding the Kingdom Darkness
- Why God is Misunderstood
- Casting Out the Demonic Lie
- The Israel-Iran Nuclear War
- Satan Uses People
- The Satanic Fires Consuming America
- The Forthcoming Failure of the Super Committee
- The World’s Structures
- A One-Sided War
- The Forces of Chaos
- The Coming Supreme Court Decision
- Earth Detached from Heaven
- The Middle East Powder Keg
- The Coming Muslim Menace Against Israel
- Spreading the Messages from the Housetops
- The Penn State Scandal
- Globalization and the Demonic Virus
- A Mankind Which is Lost At Sea
- Satan’s Mistake
- Cairo – Satan’s Stronghold
- The Year 2012
- A World Without Wine
- The Economic Shaking
- Open Your Eyes to Russia
- A Few Coins Trying to Repay Massive Debt
- True Devotion of St. Louis de Montfort
- Iraq, Afghanistan, Iran and Pakistan
- America Erases It’s Name
- Israel’s Second Chance
- The Two Fires
- The Medjugorje Visionaries
- Fire in the Earth’s Belly
- Mary’s Special Invitation to You
- The Harshness of the Coming Winter
- The Endless Midnight
- A Clear Summary of the Messages
- The First Waves of Darkness
- Fatima and Medjugorje – Preparing for a Greater Light
- An Invitation to See
- A Return to Innocence
- Why the Chastisements are Delayed
- The Coming Destructive Events
- All Out Warfare
- The Clash of Intellects
- Waters That will Quench the Satanic Fire
- Publishing the Full Fatima Secret
- Removing the Church’s Obstacles to Fatima
- The Pope Must Lead the Church to Fatima
- The Pope Must Proclaim a Year of Fatima
- The Soldiers of Peace
- The Convulsions of 2012
- Mary’s Pastoral Plan
- The Muslim Takeover of Egypt
- Nuclear Arms and the Radical Muslims
- The Worldwide Evil
- A New Year of Great Uncertainty
- A Future Papal Election
- Chaos, Chaos, Chaos
- The Inner Stream of Fervor
- Mary’s Thousands of Arks
- Building Your Own Ark
- A New Jesus Movement Among the Young
- Becoming a Child of the Light
- Baptizing With the Holy Spirit and Fire
- The Father Searches For You
- Going to the Apparition Sites
- The Gift of Light
- All of a Sudden
- The Path to Light
- The Light of Conversion
- The Stages of Light
- How to Pray From the Heart
- Eternal Light
- What Should Be Left Behind
- Calling the Nations to Repentance
- A Child of Light Lost in Darkness
- Mary, the World’s Good Samaritan
- A Light That Goes On and Off
- Opening Windows to Heaven
- A World Made Vulnerable By Globalization
- Mary, the Preacher
- Because You Kill the Unborn
- The Middle East and the Philippines
- The Kingdom Overcomes the Shadow of Death
- God’s Final Word
- Revealing the Future of the World (at Medjugorje)
- Our Lady of Sorrows
- Advice for the Trials
- The Mideast Oil Pipelines
- Super Bowl Sunday
- The Empty American Culture
- Oil For The Midnight Darkness
- The Secrets of Medjugorje
- Mary’s Extraordinary Helps
- Inflict No Violence
- Young People, Solitude and Monasticism
- The Cry of Syria
- Culture and Young People
- Young People and Their Decisions
- The Fears of the Young
- To the Young – Awaken Your Spiritual Desires
- Heaven’s Fire comes to Earth
- A Marian Papacy
- Putting the Torch to Oil
- Satan’s Donkey
- Satan’s Drama
- The Modern Day Cyrus Sent to Israel
- Don’t Blame God
- Go to Medjugorje
- Drawn by God
- Raising Up a Leader
- The Catholic Charismatic Renewal
- A Tug of War
- Curiosity About Future Events
- God’s Opinion of You
- Foolish Decisions
- An Interest in Heaven
- Mary Explaining the Signs of the Times
- Ninety-Five Years of Waiting
- Help from Heaven
- Marrying the Wrong Husband
- What Passes and What Lasts?
- The Champion with the Trophy
- The Person of Conviction
- To the Leaders of Nations
- The Visitation of Jesus to Israel
- Mary’s Heavenly Net
- A New Shepherd in the Scene
- Entangled in a Darkness
- The Tidal Waves of Anxiety
- A New Divine Fire Clothing Us in the Sun
- A Powerful Stream of “Yes”
- Seeking a Home
- To Which Group Do You Belong?
- Preparing For the Coming Worldwide Darkness
- Mary’s Inner Experiences
- The Riches of Mary
- Joseph, My Husband
- The Angels’ Message
- Traveling to See Elizabeth
- Joseph’s Dilemma
- Marriage – As it Was in the Beginning
- The First Christmas
- Prophetic Words in the Temple
- An Exile of Protection
- The Woman of Sorrows
- Jesus Understands His Identity
- The Daily Treasures
- They Have No Wine
- Sorrow Over a Rejection
- A Friday in Jerusalem
- Mother of the Redeemed
- When Glory Fills the Human Body
- The Way to the Way
- An Ocean Flowing to the Whole World
- The New Community of Believers
- The Fire of the Resurrection
- Surviving the New Situation of the World
- The Grace of Repentance
- Coming to the Brink
- A Narrow Gate and Wide Open Doors
- Words to Sinners
- The Selfishness of the Human Heart
- Rejecting Jesus’ Gift
- Memories that Boil Over
- The Economic Future
- Reversing Selfishness
- A New Possibility for Mankind
- Snatching the World from Satan’s Hands
- The Two Fires
- Mary, Help Me
- The Worldwide Warnings
- Man-made Fertilization
- A Society Within A Society
- How to Enter the Ark
- The Door to Nuclear Weapons
- Why Has God Waited?
- The Great Signs
- Taking Off Your Blindfold
- A Place Prepared For You
- Why Does Satan Delay?
- Searching for the Children
- The Rosary — A Chain of Unity
- Being Clothed with the Sun
- The Mysteries of the Woman
- The Uprisings and Afghanistan
- Piercing the Darkness By Special Signs
- Heroic Charity
- Overcoming Decisions Made in Darkness
- Pentecostal Fires
- Building an Airfield of Hope
- The Hearts of the Father, Son and Mary
- Stripping People of Authority
- Heaven’s Help
- The Light That Signaled World War II
- A Rich Woman Amid a Disaster
- Read the Catechism of the Catholic Church
- The Story Within You
- The Greatest Battle
- A Safe and Easy Path
- The Stumbling Blocks
- A Woman in Travail
- The Divine Illumination
- Mary’s Road
- Receiving Jesus’ Heart
- The Middle East Chaos
- When Hope Is Shattered
- Pitfalls and Darkness
- A Point of No Return
- Sharing in Mary’s Task
- Who Can Divert the Flood?
- A Call to Arms
- The Promises of the Woman
- The Secrets of Medjugorje
- Mary’s Emergency Lights
- The Tabernacle of the Holy Spirit
- Do Not Forget the Unborn
- The Heart of the Church
- A Worldwide Experience
- Preparing For the Coming Tragedies
- Finding the Road of Life
- Bringing Jesus to the World
- America’s Future New Life
- Removing Destructive Leaders
- A Surprising Gift For Lost Souls
- Paths Freed From Turmoil
- Casting New Fire on the Earth
- Children Playing With Nuclear Weapons
- The Final Locution
- The Two Wills
- The One Road to Life
- Tomorrow Never Comes
- The Goal of the Kingdom of God
- The Restless Human Heart
- God’s Inner Stirrings
- God’s Attractions
- God’s Voice
- The Voice of Jesus
- The Invitation
- The First Four Disciples
- Driving Out the Unclean Spirit
- The First Healings
- The Crowds Gain Hope
- Touring the Villages
- Always the Same Message
- Choosing the Twelve
- A Community Formed by Rigors
- Clashing with Jerusalem
- The Heavenly Father’s Wonders
- Trusting The Heavenly Father
- The Growing Hostility
- Sacrificed For the Kingdom
- Faith
- Who Do You Say I Am?
- The Suffering Messiah
- Sent Out Two By Two
- The First Crisis
- The Growing Clouds of Violence
- The Beloved Disciple
- The Holy Women
- The Death of the Baptist
- The Anointing at Bethany
- Palm Sunday
- Visiting the Temple
- Cleansing the Temple
- Holy Week in the Temple
- The Last Supper
- The Agony in the Garden
- Judas
- The Apostles Flee
- The Lonely Night
- Judas – A Divided Heart
- The Secrets of the Cross
- Helpers Along the Way
- The Woman and the Beloved Disciple
- Death on the Cross
- King of the Angels
- The Resurrection
- Manifestation to Mary
- Final Moments
- When All Is Threatened
- Mary’s Help In Darkness
- Crisis and Help
- Rescue From the Torrent
- The Great Danger
- Many Slipping Away
- The Name “Mary”
- Turning Back
- Final Words
- The Demonstrations at the Embassies
- The Boiling Pot
- Is the Indescribable Inevitable?
- All the World Will See
- Destroying Satan’s Possessions
- Final Words
- Understanding Human Life
- The Ten Commandments
- Man’s Infinite Desires
- Man’s Inner Self
- Revealing the Heart of Jesus
- Jesus’ Love For Everyone
- A World Within His Heart
- Conversations With Jesus
- Jesus Reveals the Mysteries
- God Chose His Own Mother
- The Most Important Mystery
- Middle East Violence
- A Person Chosen By God
- The Outbreak of Violence
- Violence at the Center of Society
- Avoiding the Burning Lava of Violence
- America Has Not Repented
- The Cries of Aborted Children
- The Visitation of Jesus
- The Burden of Sins
- A Blinded Will
- A Deformed Culture
- Thou Shalt Not
- An Invitation To A Straight Road
- Allowing Russia Back on to the Stage
- The Deceiving Russia
- Reaping the Evil Harvest
- Using Your Moments of Disappointments
- The Narrow Road of Light
- Not a Child’s Game
- The Road of Faith
- Mary – The Perfect Human Person
- The Prudent Servant
- Your Assessment is Correct
- New Spiritual Gifts
- Do Not Reject New Favors
- I Am Coming Soon
- Signs and Wonders
- Preparing for the Coming
- Need To Believe
- Two Great Realities
- Those Who Do Not Listen
- New Vineyards and New Wine
- New Preachers
- Evil Collapses
- The Final Words
- Direction to Modern Man
- The Unifying Power of Faith has been Lost
- This Stream of Disbelief is Strong
- Powerful Forces Tear Apart the Fabric of Society
- I want the Whole World to Experience the Father
- Pay Attention to the Stirrings of your Heart
- The Great Ages of Faith
- This Final Age of My Coming
- Pouring Forth Gifts
- The Heavenly Water
- Choosing A Messenger
- Thirst For the True Waters
- The Future Months
- Has God Abandoned Us?
- Removing the Barriers
- The Elected Leader
- The Election Day Decision
- True Leaders
- A Country Without Restraints
- America’s Place in God’s Heart
- An Invitation to Faith
- An Invitation to Surrender
- An Invitation to Receive
- An Invitation to Love
- An Invitation to Serve
- The Case Against Mankind
- The Ultimate Weapons of Destruction
- Consecrating Russia to the Immaculate Heart
- No Time to Waste
- The Events Will Speak for Themselves
- Preparing for An Emergency
- Extraordinary Events and Extraordinary Helps
- Events That Change Earth
- The Coming Darkness
- Saving the Little Ones
- The Only Hope
- A Deeply Imbedded Darkness
- Seeking the Greatest Revenge
- Do Not Delay
- The Many Signs
- Resolutions and Anger
- Centuries of Anger
- Importance of Jerusalem
- Difficult Teachings
- Down the Road
- Cries for Divine Help
- The New Idols
- The Living God
- The Power of Past Decisions
- The Needed Purification
- Violence Does the Preaching
- The Flood Waters
- God’s Helps
- A Summary
- The Importance of Fatima
- The Drama of Human History
- Clouds Filled With Rain
- Always With Us
- The Sacrament of Confession
- The Final Word
- Bringing America To Its Knees
- America, the Rebellious Child
- Begin Again
- Shortening the Trial
- Goodness Always Demands Some Light
- The Father’s Perfect Creature
- A Feminine Reflection of God
- Weapons of Mass Destruction
- The Time is Short
- Continuing to Speak
- A War Against Each Other
- Jerusalem is the Prize
- No Exits to Safety
- What Must Be Done?
- Raising Up A New America
- Two Americas
- The Child of the Promise
- Saving My People
- The Saving Light
- A New Road of Truth
- Protecting the Children
- Saving the Children From Darkness
- Raising Up A Pope
- The Pope of the Third Millennium
- Revealing the Hidden Plan
- The Future Events
- Raising Up A People of the Spirit
- The Day of Infamy
- Same Sex Relationships
- Abandoning the Guiding Stars of Religious Beliefs
- The Sickness of Toleration
- Why God Delays
- Turning Back the Darkness
- Using the Little Voices
- David Overcomes Goliath
- A Promise to Speak
- A Gift Already Happening
- The Messenger Comes to the Temple
- The Lord Comes to the Center of the Stage
- Importance of Words
- Having Lost Your Wife
- The Recently Unemployed
- To the Poor
- Burdened With the Past
- The Burdened Person
- To the Children
- The Announcement
- The Cardinal Messenger
- The Search Begins
- Everyone Has A Divine Call
- A Long Process
- The War Has Begun
- Moving Up the Timetable
- The Events Are All Connected
- Benedict, A Bridge Between Popes
- The Gifts of the Two Popes
- The New Spirit of the Conclave
- The Conclave – An Integral Part of History
- The Resignation As A Sign
- The Outbreak of Darkness
- Many Dead Ends
- A Pope For All Nations
- The Messenger Pope
- Pope Benedict’s Final Day
- A Non-European Pope?
- A Pope With A Burning Heart
- The Lord’s Choice
- The Treasures Within the Pope’s Heart
- The Holy Spirit’s Actions
- Trying to Destroy the Pope
- Regaining the First Love
- Twists and Turns
- From Darkness to Light
- A Successful Conclave
- A Conclave That Reveals God’s Power
- The Keys of the Kingdom
- The Real Issues
- A Missionary Pope
- Completing the Bridge of Pope Benedict
- A Place of Safety
- God’s Constant Help
- Refusing Their Role
- The Person’s Eternal Destiny
- America – No Longer Safe
- The Modern Prophets
- The Road to Peace
- Are Not The Nations Filled With Confusion?
- God Will Act
- A Delay of Mercy
- Light for the Heart
- The Searching of the Human Heart
- An Infinite Thirst
- Dark Secrets
- The Heart That Has Lost Its Dreams
- When the Road Ends
- Striving and Restlessness
- They Are to Blame
- Defining Society’s Ills
- Nations Brought to Their Knees
- Leaders of Darkness
- Weapons Everywhere
- The New Darkness
- The Great Mysteries
- The Unlocked Mystery
- Revealing the Great Secret
- Receiving the Mysteries
- The Father’s Masterpiece
- Explaining the Mysteries
- Powers in Jesus’ Heart
- The Trinity’s Decision at Your Conception
- A Word to Pregnant Women
- The Darkness That Covers Earth
- The Great Battle
- Is There A Future?
- A Fertile Field of Evil
- The Fires of Syria
- Can Israel Survive?
- The Age of Mary
- The Apparition Sites
- On the Horizon
- Destruction Need Not Happen
- Pushed Into the Background
- The Fires of Syria
- A World Without Sunlight
- Definitely Given
- The Holy Spirit and the Spirit of Mankind
- Divine Love (The Holy Spirit)
- Age of the Holy Spirit
- The Spirit Dwells in a Fullness
- Mary, the Safe Road
- The New Fire of Mary’s Heart
- Obedient to God’s Mysteries
- The New Fire
- Fires Everywhere
- The Power of God’s Fire
- Male and Female
- Plunging into Greater Darkness
- A Generation Born Into Darkness
- The Moment of Great Light
- The Fountains of Mercy
- An Invitation to Trust
- Loving the Darkness
- Lies of Mankind
- Lies of the Individual
- Lies of the Nation
- The Light of the Truth
- The Warnings
- The Course of War
- Weapons of Mass Destruction
- Demonic Goals
- Nuclear Proliferation
- The Annihilation of Nations
- The Birth Pangs of Destruction
- Losing Hope
- Happening Now
- The Rosary
- The Volatile Middle East
- I Will Reveal the Deepest Secrets
- A Path Into Mary’s Heart
- Mary’s Emotions
- God’s Will
- Searching for Everyone
- Totally Mary’s
- The Elect Souls
- Finding Mary’s Path
- The Timetable of Events
- Reveal the Third Secret
- Waiting for the Church
- A Little Voice
- Only the Pope
- The Light of Fatima
- The Sun of Fatima
- The Future Blessings
- Explaining Fatima
- The New Garden
- Total Light in the Devout Souls
- The Presence of God
- Preparing for the Consecration
- The Unperceived Darkness
- The Heavenly Rain
- The Waves of Fatima
- The Good Samaritan
- Mary’s Requests
- To Church Leaders
- Advertising the Gifts
- Lifting Anxiety and Burdens
- A Mother’s Voice
- The Burning Divine Fire
- The Three Gifts of Light
- The Gift of Truth
- The Emptiness of the Tomb
- The Fire of Love
- The Resurrection Glory
- The Mystery Revealed
- Decades of Darkness
- The World-wide Suffering
- The Powerful River and Waterfall
- The Road of Deception
- The Demonic Fires
- Explaining Jesus’ Defeat of Satan
- Avoiding Chastisements
- Why Chastisements are Possible
- Holding Us Close
- Changing the World Into A Middle East
- Knocking On Every Door
- The Hidden Doors
- Do Not Wait
- Jesus’ Kingdom
- Clothed With Divine Life
- Life Within Jesus
- A Community Filled With Divine Life
- Believe, Repent and Be Baptized
- A Child of God
- The Seed of Faith
- Heaven Can Be Mine
- Being United By Love
- God’s Call
- The Battle Within
- Confirmation
- Confession and the Earthly Battlefield
- Sacrament of Confession
- Holy Communion
- Mary’s First Communion
- Mary and Communion
- Holy Orders
- Permanent Marriages
- Prayer for the Dying
- Early Missionaries
- Using Our Human Natures
- The Spirit’s Anointing
- Changed Lives
- The Believing Community
- The Mighty Rivers
- The Great Manifestations
- The Spirit Forms Community
- Gifts of Service
- Importance of Prophesy
- The Importance of Prophesy
- Evangelizing and Miracles
- Discernment of Spirits
- Discerning the Evil One
- The Spirit’s Wisdom
- People Helping Mary
- Who Is In Control?
- The Three Faithful Children
- Preparing for Centuries
- Lucy’s Shining Star
- The First Vision
- The Vision of Hell
- The Responses to Fatima
- The Suffering of the Three Children
- The Dance of the Sun
- The Ship of Fatima
- The Hail Mary
- The Proposed Missile Strike
- Global Economy
- Three Dark Forces
- The New Forces of Darkness
- The Darkness of World Leaders
- Mary’s Breath of Peace
- Peace for the Nations
- The Dark Secrets of the Rich
- War and Peace
- Who Will Be Mary’s Instrument?
- The Church Has Lied
- The Church Must Repent
- Darkness at Noon
- The Source of All Darkness
- Future Events
- Toppling Satan’s People
- America’s Debt Limit Crisis
- The Two Mountains
- The Two 1917 Fires
- Enlightening the Members
- A Weakened America
- Calming the Storm
- Someone Whom Mary Loves
- Deeper Into the Darkness
- An Extraordinary Promise
- Predicting Future Happenings
- Notre Dame
- A Sword That Divides America
- The New Slave Class
- A Jolted America
- Understanding the Battle
- A Presidential Candidate
- The End of the Debt Limit Crisis
- The 2016 Elections
- When the Trap Springs Shut
- The Heavenly Father’s Enterprise
- Fulfilling God’s Enterprise
- The Shattered Vision
- The Special Invitation
- New Heavens and a New Earth
- The Decline of America
- Removing Atheists From Power
- Still Time
- A World-wide Conversion
- To the Non-religious Reader
- Inner Decisions
- The Unpredictable Future
- Why the Daily Locution?
- Signs In Your Midst
- Speaking to Everyone
- Mary’s Promise to Act
- The Woman of Cana
- I Will Speak of Pain
- Terrorist Groups and Proliferation of Weapons
- The Mystery of God’s Plan
- The Twentieth Century World Leaders
- Drawing the Sinner Even Closer
- The Evil of Pornography
- The Stream That Ends in Death
- Mary’s Deepest Sorrow
- Seed Planted in a Field
- Examining Your Own Heart
- Guarding the Tongue
- The Inner World of Darkness
- Purifying the Heart
- The Cause of Failures
- Evil on the World Stage
- Mary’s Help in Extraordinary Times
- Understanding Middle East Events
- Avoiding the Great Destruction
- The Iran Agreement
- Legitimating Iran’s Leaders
- An Awakening From the Darkness
- Mary’s Embrace
- Mary’s Embrace
- Safe in Mary’s Embrace
- The Light of Mary’s Embrace
- Mary Embraces You
- The Worldwide Events
- Challenging the Evil Events
- The Church Is Asleep
- A Clear Warning
- The Road of Compromise
- On the Edge
- I Open Wide the Gates of my Heart
- Every Person’s Identity
- The Decision to Create
- The Father Reveals Everything
- Exalting the Fatima Secrets
- 2014 Opportunities
- New Life and New Beginnings
- Darkness Instead of Light
- Mary’s Firm Promise
- Mary’s Priest Son
- A New Humanity
- Darkness and Light
- The Growing Army of Weapons
- Government Interference
- The Light Across Europe
- Lucy’s Death
- Lightening the Sentence
- Lucy’s Voice Now Silent
- A Light Still Concealed
- Clash of Opposing Fires
- Where is Mary’s Army?
- Goodness Always Demands Some Light
- The Father’s Perfect Creature
- A Feminine Reflection of God
- Weapons of Mass Destruction
- The Year 2014
- Mary’s Chosen Leaders
- The Paradise Built By Man
- My Deepest Secrets
- The Pulpit of These Locutions
- Mary’s Advice
- Mary Will Be Everywhere
- Changing the Future
- The Two Fires
- The 2014 Issues
- Something New Is Happening
- An Overview of the Human Drama
- The Reader’s Daily Life
- The Gigantic Waves
- The New Ark
- Why the Delay?
- Evil People in Power
- Light for the Nations
- Your Guardian Angel
- The Permanent Fire of God
- God’s Stunning Decision
- God’s Touches
- The Secrets of the Saints
- Revealing the King’s Secrets
- The Inevitable Triumph
- A Mother’s Promptings
- Mary’s Road
- Mary’s Promise
- Freedom Through Hope
- Power of Hope
- The Torchlight of Hope
- The Milk of Hope
- Hope Goes Everywhere
- Hope For the Middle East
- The Queen of Hope
- Mary Hates Suffering
- Destroying God’s Plan
- The Two Rivers
- Forgive Yourself
- Pervasive Sufferings
- A Stream Waiting to Go Forth
- Redemptive Suffering
- The Good Samaritan
- Little Victories Over Suffering
- The Verge of Darkness
- Our Lady of Lourdes
- The Shattering of Creation
- Present From the Beginning
- The Woman in God’s Plan
- The Woman Waits and Waits
- Come and Do Not Delay
- Revelation Chapter Twelve
- Is It Too Late?
- Visible and Powerful Actions
- The First Secret of Heaven
- The Stream of History
- Waiting to Act
- The True Source of Suffering
- Why Mankind Suffers
- Do Not Fear
- The Children of the Secular Age
- The Beginning Events
- Mother of Hope
- Mary’s First Embrace
- The Oil of Hope
- The Book of Blessings
- The Tottering Kingdoms
- Fire and Water
- Hope Has No End
- The Invasion of Ukraine
- The Blindness of the World
- A Special Leader
- Collapse of American Protection
- An Earthly Michael
- Israel
- The Plans of Russia
- The Global Economy
- The Joining of Hearts
- The Beginning Response
- Very Special People
- The Russian Bear (Special Locution)
- Using These Locutions (Special Locution)
- Events Followed By Delays
- When Blessings Are Delayed
- The Two Realities
- Unrest in the Ukraine
- The Moment of Mystery
- The Faith That Leads To Greatness
- The Locution’s First Word – The Family
- The Locutions Speak About Human History
- The Locutions Speak of Satan’s Plan
- God Must Intervene
- The Locutions – Mary’s Stream of Light
- Speaking Every Day
- Roar Like A Lion
- Locutions That Save
- The Surprising Light of the Locutions
- Putin – Satan’s Perfect Instrument
- Middle East Events (Special Locution)
- The Supernatural Forces
- The Wars of Heaven and Hell (Special Locution)
- Sending Forth the Locutions (Special Locution)
- Our Lady’s Strategy
- Messengers of the Locutions
- The Flood Waters of Immorality
- The Modern Events (Special Locution)
- A New Role
- Putin and Western Europe (Special Locution)
- Putin-The Hammer of Satan
- Against the One World Order
- Satan’s Leaders
- Against Satan’s Sufferings
- Staying Free
- Opposing A One World Government
- A Song of Hope
- Preserving Human Freedom
- Safeguarding Human Freedoms (Special Locution)
- Closing Words
- Begin from the Grassroots
- President Obama’s Ideology
- Tell the Whole World
- Fires at the Door
- The Fires of Darkness
- Putin’s Method (Special Locution)
- An Appeal to the Polish People (Special Locution)
- A Totalitarian Russia
- Poland, Baltic Countries and European Union (Special Locution)
- Choosing the Wrong Woman
- Russia’s River of Acid
- When the Events Conclude
- Rebuilding the World
- Wake Up To Fatima
- Who Can Halt the Events? (Special Locution)
- Dropping the Atomic Bomb
- The History of Atomic Weapons
- The Two Streams
- A Child With A Loaded Gun
- Avoiding the Destructive Harvest
- Your Sufferings
- Surprising Satan
- The New Lights
- Using More Than Words
- An Emergency Light
- The Two Suns
- A Shaky Economic Foundation (Special Locution)
- Heaven’s Answer
- Seeds Planted in the Field of History
- The Bountiful Harvest of Evil
- A Church Which Is Not Ready
- The Winds of History
- Events Leading to Other Events
- The Obama Darkness (Special Locution)
- Centers of Evil
- After the Ukrainian Elections (Special Locution)
- The Shooting of the Pope
- The Unseen Forces
- The Two Greatest Historical Forces
- Wake Up!
- The Woman in World History
- Preparing for Pentecost
- The Purification of the World
- Our Lady’s Three Sorrows (Special Locution)
- Putin’s Ascendency (Special Locution)
- The Inner Voice of the Woman
- The Two Fires
- Waiting and Waiting
- The Catholic Church and Terrorism
- President Obama’s Great Mistake (Special Locution)
- The Blood of Martyrs
- The Church and History
- The Church’s Greatest Moment
- The Shockwaves of Iraq
- The Papacy’s Greatest Moment
- Satan’s Enticements
- Events in Iraq (Special Locution)
- A New Role For the Pope
- Satan’s Worldwide Plan
- Oil On the Lampstand
- Prevailing Over Hell
- Leading to the Ultimate Fire (Special Locution)
- The Voice of Light
- Mankind is Over the Brink
- Call from God
- Deprived of Divine Light
- The Mystery of the Person
- Personal Light in a Darkened Culture
- The Mystery of Human Existence
- The Center of Material Creation
- The Correct Surrender
- The ISIS Terrorists
- An Infection That Needs Cleansing
- Satan’s Intelligence and World Leaders’ Ignorance
- The Cancer of ISIS
- The Two Paths
- Tomorrow’s Supreme Court Decision (Special Locution)
- The Wounds in Iraq
- Implication of Supreme Court Decision (Special Locution)
- A New Day for America
- Baghdad – Caught in the Crossfires
- Finger in the Dike
- Terrorism and Europe
- Satan’s Perfect Storm
- The Beginning Words
- A Blocked Path to Peace
- Understanding the Evil of Terrorism
- The Few Who Control the World
- The Terrorism of Abortion
- The Personal Road to Peace
- The Long Difficult Path to Peace
- American Arms Sales
- The Path to War
- Receive Without Cost
- On Shooting Down the Plane (Special Locution)
- The Trinity’s Gifts
- A “Yes” to God
- Past and Future Secrets
- Revealing God’s Plan
- Events in Iraq and Israel (Special Locution)
- Every Needed Gift
- An All Encompassing Gift
- Treasures of the Kingdom
- The Fire Leaps To Europe (Special Locution)
- An Even Clearer Word
- A Place With Mary in the Desert
- Mother of the Church
- The Age of Mary
- The New Flame
- The Less-Traveled Road
- A New World Order
- Lazarus, the Beggar At Our Door
- Promising A New Light
- Rain Clouds of Hope
- Special Surprising Lights
- Being Set Aside By the Church
- Casting Light Upon Cultures of Darkness
- On the Brink (Special Locution)
- The Good Samaritan
- Putin As Satan’s Instrument (Special Locution)
- Avoiding the Annihilation of the Nations
- The Hypocrisy and Charade of America’s Political Leadership
- A Demonic West
- Almost 100 Years Ago
- A New Joan of Arc
- An Ocean To Put Out the Fire
- When Russia Is Consecrated
- Waiting For the Consecration
- A New Culture of Peace
- The Stirring in Russian Hearts
- The Overcoming of Separation
- Better To Wait
- Our Lady’s Hidden Actions
- Man’s Helplessness
- Who Shapes Human History?
- Reading Human History Correctly
- All Future Generations
- Casting New Fire Upon the Church
- History‘s Final Scene
- The True God of History
- The Only Important Question
- The Syrian Revolution
- The Mystery of Syrian Evil
- Putin and the Ukraine
- Infection in the Blood Stream
- The Annihilation of the Nations
- The Woman and George Washington
- Mercy or Justice
- A Day Claimed by Evil
- Help in the Trials
- The History of the Light
- The False Economies
- A Light From Mary’s Heart
- Heart to Heart to Heart
- A Day of Infamy
- A Year From Now
- The Fire of Mary’s Suffering
- The King and Queen of Material Creation
- The Powerful Valley
- Living in Truth
- The Freedom in the Valley
- The Secret of the Saints
- Going From Light to Darkness
- Satan’s Network
- Face to Face With Hell
- Turning the World Into a Hell
- Satan’s Use of the Syrian Revolution
- Hell’s Nuclear Arsenal
- Seeking to Destroy Everyone
- The Activity of Heaven Upon Earth
- Comparing the Two Kingdoms
- Heaven Embraces Earth
- The Three Places of Divine Fire
- The Church Confronts Hell’s Powers
- Let the Nightly News Preach to You
- Preparing For the Night
- The Light That Will Always Shine
- The Seal of the Immaculate
- Being Sealed with the Immaculate Conception
- Plunged Into the Holy Spirit
- Plunged Into the Immaculate Conception
- Repeating the Gift of the Immaculate Conception
- Behold Your Mother
- Why is Mary Rejected?
- Dishonesty in the Money Supply
- The Social Consequences of Lust
- The Stubbornness of the Human Heart
- An Experience of Holiness
- The Locutions – An Abiding Gift
- Enlightened By Darkness
- Mary’s Path
- Mary’s Heart Permanently Opened
- Becoming a Traveler
- The Middle East
- The Dream of the Terrorists
- The Ebola Crisis
- Poverty – The Seedbed of Evil
- The Ultimate Question People Ask
- Having Your Own Locutions
- Places and Groups Dedicated to Mary
- Promises for Those Who Gather
- Freeing From Drug Addictions
- New Chambers of Mary’s Heart
- Pouring Out the Great Gifts
- The Path of Hope
- The Weakness of the Economic System
- Loss of Confidence
- The Steps to Collapse
- We Will Begin Again
- The Next President
- The Four Difficulties of the Coming Year
- The Downward Spiral
- Hope Amid the Implosion
- Satan’s End Game
- Babylon is Fallen
- Israel and Iran
- The Two Floods
- Overcoming the Darkness
- New Gifts for Faithful People
- The Beginning Gifts
- Light for Devout Catholics
- Entering Mary’s Heart
- Preparing for Mary’s Fire
- Preparing for the Consecration of Russia
- Satan’s Smoke in the Vatican
- Seeking Total Surrender
- The Sacred Moment of Worldly Emptiness
- Gathering With Others
- The Three Stages
- Mary’s Promises to Beginners
- Evils Not Yet Seen
- Treasures Placed By Jesus
- The Heavenly Father’s Decision
- Waking Up!
- A New Life of Purity
- Extraordinary Unshakeable Faith
- Believing Before Seeing
- Clothing You With Light
- Enlightened Confidence
- Destroying Your Kingdom
- The Crisis of 2015
- Russia Destabilizing the European Economy
- The First Decisions of Human History
- The Shattered Dream
- Satan’s Traps
- Always Saying “Tomorrow”
- New Light For the Darkness
- These Words Prepare You
- Retrieving Abandoned Lights
- What God Did For Our Lady
- The Heavenly Fire’s Powers
- Putin Is Dangerous
- Stop Limiting Our Lady’s Power
- The World’s Communication Systems
- The Moment of the Great Battle
- Today Vanishing Into Tomorrow
- Manifesting Her Presence
- The Year 2015
- One Hundred Years of Fatima
- The Spurned Gift of Fatima
- New Powers Flooding Forth
- The New Year
- The Blessings of the 100th Anniversary
- Opening the Fatima Gift
- A Summary of Teaching
- No Consecration of Russia in 2015
- The New Year Promise
- Inviting Mary To Come
- Like a Trapped Army
- True Paths To Light
- Events Affecting America
- Stars in the Darkest Night
- October 13, 2017 (Special Locution)
- God’s Great Promise
- All – From Least to Greatest Can Enter
- Gifts for October 13, 2017
- The Fatima Messenger
- Walls That Are Not Firm
- Stretched Resources Until the Breakthrough
- New York and Washington
- The Faithful Messenger
- The Day of Notre Dame
- The Terrorist Attacks
- Avoiding the Annihilations of the Nations
- No Time For Delays
- A Chosen Son
- Steps Toward the Path
- The Messenger of Light
- The Breath of God and a New Creation
- The 21st Century Opportunity
- Heaven’s New Snowfall
- The Watchman on the Mountain
- Raising Up Her Priest Son
- The Person With the Key
- A Secular Age That Has Rejected the Supernatural
- The Powerlessness of the Secular Spirit
- Removing the Blindness of Secularism
- What Secularism Leaves Behind
- Secularism Destroys Religious Faith
- Returning to the Father’s House
- The Secular Road and Everlasting Death
- Terrorists With Fire In Their Hearts
- The Endless Fuel for the Fires
- Terrorist Groups United for Satan’s Goals
- The Twisted Faith of the Terrorists
- The Culmination of the Drama
- Satan’s Many Weapons
- The Day of Accounting
- The One Who Wields the Key
- The Only Light in the Darkness
- The Beginning Instructions
- The First Step Into Light
- The First Three Steps
- The Flame and the Candle
- Let There Be Light
- A Path Revealed to the Little Ones
- Light For the Hour of Darkness
- External Signs That Invite All
- The Future of Europe
- The Secrets of Terrorism
- Europe’s Multiple Problems
- The Urgency of Fatima
- Terrorism and the Social Media
- Europe’s Historical Decisions
- Disillusioned With Man’s Road
- Man’s Search For God
- The Great River Within
- Endless Waves of Blessings
- The Echo of Mary’s Own Words
- A Nuclear Iran
- Bringing the World to Jesus
- Prayers That Reach Heaven
- Foolish Decisions of Leaders
- Centuries of Decisions
- Centuries of Hatred
- A Tomorrow of Greater Darkness
- The Darkness Will Preach
- The Two Economic Events
- Satan’s Attacks On the Locutions
- This Generation’s Legacy
- Taking the Wrong Path
- Our Lady’s Hidden Stream
- Today’s Mountain Stream
- Mary’s Centuries of Preparation
- Millions Must Respond
- Climbing the Mountain
- The Iranian Nuclear Treaty
- A Dangerous and Frightening Road
- The Importance of 1917
- Saving the World From Destruction
- The Syrian Revolution Lit the Fuse
- God’s Surprising Decision
- A Somber Mother
- The Papal Visit
- A Pope of Mercy
- Pope Francis – Preparing the Way
- Pope Francis and Stray Sheep
- When the Iran Nuclear Treaty Is Signed
- All Look to the Church
- Jerusalem in God’s Plan
- I Am Already Among You (Good Friday)
- A Mother’s Loving Truths
- Our Lady’s Many Revelations (Easter Sunday)
- Our Lady’s Constant Activity
- A Heart Without Walls
- Entering Mary’s Heart
- The Hidden Light
- The Complicated Phenomena of Evil
- Why Heaven Must Wait
- A Hundred Years of Evil
- The Power of the New Eve
- New World Leaders
- Casting New Fire Upon the Church
- The New Sacred Waters
- The Bride Awakens
- The Inevitable War
- The Great Call To Devotion
- Becoming a Vessel of Election
- The Great Invitation to the Banquet
- Do Not Delay
- Untying the Fatima Knot
- Pouring Out the Fatima Gift
- Mary’s Priest Son
- The Womb of the Elect
- A Blindfolded Humanity
- Revealing The Hidden Mysteries
- The Great Prophet Who will Prepare the Way
- The Goddess of Reason
- A Divided America
- The Change In the 1960’s
- A Weakened America, Devoid of Faith
- Hidden Forces in America
- Splintering and Dividing
- The Lord of History
- The Forces Contained in History
- The Gift of the Locutions
- The Age of the Holy Spirit
- Mary – Possessed By the Holy Spirit
- Human History and the Holy Spirit
- The Spirit Restores All of Mankind
- The Holy Spirit and Fatima
- Three Thoughts of Our Lady’s Heart
- The Role of Pope Francis
- Father Gruner and the Wine of Fatima
- The Key to Mary’s Heart
- The Financial Scandals
- A Door Still Open
- ISIS in Europe and America (Special Locution)
- Our Lady’s Judases
- The Silencing of Sister Lucy
- The Word and the Fire
- Events Like Lightening
- A Voice Going Forth to All the World
- The Fullness of Evil and Good
- The Helplessness of Mankind
- Mankind Has Wandered
- Where Is Mankind?
- Generations Pass Away
- Light, Light and More Light
- A Perilous Road
- The Growing Unity of Terrorists (Special Locution)
- The Breaking Point of History
- The Light of Pope Francis
- The Powerful Light of Mercy
- The First Great Light
- A New Dawn From the West
- Penetrating the Economic Darkness
- The Russian Darkness
- The Restored Light of America
- The Two Ways That Our Lady Comes
- A Complete Destruction of Darkness
- The Coming Worldwide Light
- The Iranian Nuclear Treaty
- Children of the Locutions
- Becoming a Child of the Locutions
- Clothing the Children of Locutions
- Children of Fatima and of the Locutions
- Our Lady’s Army of Disciples
- Preparing for the Fatima Moment
- Why Children of the Locutions?
- How To Receive the Light
- Receiving the Light
- Releasing Waves of Darkness
- The Deluge and the American Mainstream
- Setting America Aside
- The Great and Unconquerable Gulf
- Separations The Imminent Trials
- A Series of Crises
- Revealing God’s Plan
- Words amid the Bloodshed
- The Greek Vote and the Iran Treaty
- The Present Plight of Mankind
- Mankind at a Tipping Point
- Two Years to Stir the World to Faith
- Human History Entrusted to Mary’s Heart
- Is There Any Path to Peace?
- Read True Devotion
- Releasing a Fire of Peace
- Our Lady’s Daily Promise
- The Iran Nuclear Treaty
- The New World Created by Technology
- Why? Where? How?
- Preparing for the Events
- Promises That Still Have Power
- Changing the History of the World Today
- Divisions But No Divorce
- Inviting the Whole World
- Avoiding the Annihilation of the Nations
- The Fire Will Explode in Iran (Special Locution)
- The Fires of Abortions
- Satan Accepts No Master
- The Two Different Nights
- At the End of Each Day
- The Congressional Vote (Special Locution)
- Fires within the House
- Today’s Light
- Twilight Gives Way to Darkness
- Three Problem Areas
- Shaken Off Course
- God’s Infinite Stream of Goodness
- Casting Out Hell’s Fires
- The Fires of Hell
- What Legacy Will Be Passed On? (Feast of Mary Major)
- The Fires of Peace
- The Isolation Coming from Darkness
- The Gathering Storm Clouds
- The Church and Satan
- The Fatima Gift
- Our Lady Unties Knots
- A Promise of Fire
- Bridge over Troubled Waters
- Providing a Whale
- The Flame of Fatima
- A Mother’s Milk
- Using the Chaos for God’s Purposes
- The Turmoil
- The Deluge and the Ark
- Will Doors Be Opened or Closed?
- The Moments Decreed by God
- The Fatima Gift Rises to the Surface
- An Economic Event
- The New Pentecost of Fatima
- The Surprise Visitor
- Financial Crisis
- Syria and Iran
- Iran, Satan’s Powder Keg
- Jerusalem, Satan’s Target
- Iran, the Nation of the Lie
- Final Words on Iran
- An Evil in Man’s Bloodstream
- The Coming Economic Collapse
- The Pope’s Visit and the Collapse
- A Flood – But Not Noah’s
- Our Lady’s Light in the Darkness
- Gifts after the Collapse
- The Final Warning
- The Effects of the Final Warning
- The Role of Pope Francis
- Millions Will Listen
- Cana – The First Sign
- The Hour of the Woman at Cana
- The Role of Pope Francis
- The Two Armies
- Interpreting the Events
- Led by the Woman
- The Mission of the Woman
- The Woman – Present in the Dark Moment
- The Beginning Flashpoint
- Mary’s Embrace of Humankind
- Revealing Our Lady’s Hidden Powers
- The Church, the World, and the Woman
- Whose Moment Is This?
- A New Spring in the Desert
December 18, 2011 - February 7, 2012
February 7, 2012 - March 24, 2012
March 25, 2012 - May 7, 2012

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