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Part III: Transformation Into Jesus

Learn to Think the Thoughts of Jesus: In Books

My Ideal, Jesus Son of Mary
Madonna and Child - Bartolome Esteban Murillo - 1670


My child, in order to learn to live the life of Jesus, you must first learn to think the thoughts of Jesus. The world thinks one way but Jesus thinks quite differently. Your thoughts are often nearer to those of the world than to those of Jesus.

2. The thoughts of Jesus are found in the Gospel and also in the books written by authors filled with the spirit of the Gospel. It is there, first of all, that you must study the thoughts of Jesus. Reserve some moments of the day for devotional reading. Can you not find a quarter of an hour, or five minutes at least, each day? You find time for a host of other occupations much less necessary. However short it may have to be, never omit your daily reading. Fix upon the moment when you will do it, whether it be at the beginning, at the middle, or at the end of the day. Be punctual in starting at the time determined.

3. When opening your book, ask me to help you understand what Jesus is going to teach you, and in the course of your reading tell me the reflections it suggests to you. While you read, keep in mind that it is Jesus who is speaking to you. Read respectfully, to do honor to the words of Jesus. Read slowly, not rushing on just to satisfy your curiosity, but trying to grasp the spirit of Jesus and how to live His life. Apply your reading to your life. See which of your ideas or actions have to be reformed, and finish your reading with a resolution confided to me.

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