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Lasting Light Upon the Darkness

(August 6 to August 13, 2014)

Casting Light Upon Cultures of Darkness

August 6, 2014


Through these locutions I want the whole world to see the sufferings of my Immaculate Heart.

These sufferings result from the complete failure of the world to gain the true goal of human existence which is eternal life in heaven.

To see poor people without food, to see sick people without medicine and to see lonely people without spouse or friends is a deep sorrow. But my greatest sorrow is to see an immortal soul be lost forever in the pains of hell. The atoning death of Jesus, on the cross was of no avail. They spurned this gift. They chose the darkness. They gave their hearts to their own selfishness.

These are the decisions made every day in a world that rejects the path of faith. Because the darkness of the culture brings this about, I must cast new light. So, I begin anew. Read my words.

They will cast out this terrible darkness that has come upon the modern person, so given to only what reason can reveal. I will cast a great light of bold faith. Take my hand and we will walk. You will see as I see and believe as I believe. Then your hearts will easily choose the light.

Comment: Our Lady sees every soul after death. She sees where they will exist for all eternity. The modern cultural darkness is the greatest cause of eternal damnation. She will address that problem in this series of locutions.

On the Brink (Special Locution)

August 6, 2014


In the coming months, Putin will push the world to the brink. Even Putin will be on the brink, in danger of collapsing. In these moments, the world will not know what is next. His purpose is to test the West. After these months of “going to the brink”, there will be the next stage of Satan’s timetable. These months are not the culmination, nor will there be a world war. The West seriously miscalculated Putin. All of this will show that Russia is the problem and, for now, Putin is Satan’s instrument.

Comment: Many do not understand Putin’s moves because they do not come from human reasoning.

The Good Samaritan

August 7, 2014


I search for you, wounded soul, who are not yet dead but bleeding profusely. If I do not find you soon, your enemies will claim you forever and I will have lost another child. Yes, yet another. This need not happen but you must cry out and place my name on your lips, with words spoken from the heart. That will open the great door. Just a little opening is enough.

Such is my search. Where do I go? To the bars, to the houses of prostitution, to the places of greatest darkness, to homes torn asunder by evil. This is where I search. Do not say that I am far away. Do not think that you must find a church. I need hear only your cry for help. I will be your Good Samaritan bending over your bleeding soul, pouring out the medicine of grace.

Then I will take you to the Inn and place you with those who will care for you until you are spiritually strong.

Comment: Conversion might end up in church but it seldom begins there. Mary seeks her children everywhere.

Putin As Satan’s Instrument (Special Locution)

August 7, 2014


I must speak quickly and urgently so the world understands. Even more, my Church must understand because only the Church has the keys of the kingdom to release a flood of peace and to bathe the world in light.

I must speak of Putin who has placed himself on the world stage, using all of his resources to reposition Russia as a world power. The West does not understand his actions because reason does not guide him. Another force, a satanic power, possesses him, just as it possessed Hitler and Stalin.

Often he will make decisions that seem to harm his own people or work against his own interests. This does not matter to Satan, who ultimately desires that everyone be destroyed, including Putin. Satan has one goal and he will use many instruments. His goal is the annihilation of nations. See the world events as a road to this ultimate moment of annihilation. Then you will understand these events as steps along the road.

Comment: With all the wars taking place, Our Lady reveals their ultimate purpose.

Avoiding the Annihilation of the Nations

August 8, 2014


I must take up the same theme, but this time I must speak to the Church, to the Holy Father and to the bishops of the world.

I do not expect the world to discern the Evil One because the world has not been given that light, but I do expect the Church, the Holy Father and the bishops, to see clearly the satanic powers which lay behind the terrible destruction taking place before your eyes.

I have a question for all of you who guide my Church. Did not Jesus establish his Church as the Rock that will prevail over the gates of hell? In these wars, is the Church to step aside, to stand on the sidelines, and to think that the world powers can establish peace? The Church has been formed for this moment. Only the Church can avoid the annihilation of the nations.

Only the Church can release the fires of peace that are stored in my Immaculate Heart.

You know what to do, yet you refuse to take the steps. What will I do with you? Do I allow the nations to be annihilated? Why do you set aside the pleas I made at Fatima?

Comment: Our Lady at Fatima spoke clearly of the possible annihilation of the nations.

The Hypocrisy and Charade of America’s Political Leadership

August 9, 2014


How gaping are the wounds and how small are the consolations. Amid these events, who is able to have hope? Violence spreads everywhere. Multiple wars. Steps toward peace that are of no avail. I must speak to this problem.

Efforts toward peace will multiply. Meetings will be convened. Diplomats will make every effort. However, no one sees or grasps all that I have tried to explain. The forces of violence and destruction are a mighty river flowing from the inner circles of hell. Man’s sins, especially the killing of the unborn, prepare the way. They open the door. They invite hell’s powers to enter human history.

Look at the hypocrisy. America decries violence and speaks out against the killing of innocent civilians. Tell me, who is more innocent than an unborn child? Yet, America refuses to protect them. What a charade. To send your diplomats all over the world to protect the innocent, while at home you sacrifice thousands each day. America, I established you so you would receive the poor and helpless. Now you allow them to be killed.

My words are solemn and as these events continue to sweep the whole world, I hope that they get an attentive ear, especially from political leadership. You must protect the life of every unborn American. The moment that you make that decision, the tide will turn.

Comment: Most people do not realize the history of the Civil War. Abraham Lincoln wanted only to save the Union. He had no interest in freeing the slaves. As the Union armies were constantly beaten, he saw the important spiritual battle and, in prayer, decided to issue the Emancipation Proclamation. Then, the tide shifted and America was saved.

A Demonic West

August 10, 2014


I see hearts that are shut tight and minds that refuse to give up their ideas. People will not change. Terrorists cling to their violence. The West clings to its lifestyles. There is no room for God and no willingness to submit the heart to the fullness of love that would lead in a different direction.

The West sees the violence of the terrorists but does not see its own hardness of heart. Who is saying, “Let us repent of our sins”? Who calls out, “Let us turn back to the Lord. He will save us”?

I say this to the West. You have buildings with no foundations and paths with no light. You have built your city without God’s law. When you banished Jesus, you invited the demonic. Now the demon springs his traps. When he pours forth his violence, you have no light. You lack all understanding. I must come to rescue you with greater light and stronger fire. Yet, even with these signs, will you give up your ideas and open your hearts? The future will tell the story.

Comment: The news focuses on the terrorists. Our Lady focuses on the West banishing Jesus.

Almost 100 Years Ago

August 11, 2014


With the gaping wounds in my heart come individual sorrows. I see particular people whom I have called to high places in the Church, but they are ashamed of me and do not proclaim me to the world as they should. My greatest sorrow comes from those who do not believe my promises and do not understand the truth I am trying to proclaim. So, I will say it again.

From the very beginning, the heavenly Father foresaw a constant war between the Evil One and the Woman. He promised that the Woman would defeat the Evil One and crush his head. The heavenly Father foresaw this moment of human history and prepared a victory (even against these powerful forces) in my Immaculate Heart. As these events began nearly 100 years ago, I announced my victory, openly and publicly for all the Church to hear. My messages were increased and multiplied. The more they multiplied, the more they were set aside,

But I will not be set aside. The battle is far too serious and the victory is guaranteed if my Immaculate Heart is honored. So, I will begin to pull down those who do not believe. I will remove those who are obstacles to the consecration of Russia. What am I to do, allow the annihilation of the Nations?

Comment: The 19th century saw Marian apparitions at Rue de Bac, Lourdes and many other places. They led up to the great apparitions of Fatima in 1917. This has been followed by Medjugorje and others. The message about the Immaculate Heart has been constant.

A New Joan of Arc

August 12, 2014


I pour out my sorrows. I want all the world to understand. I see where each event leads. I see the path that Satan has chosen. I know his mind. I know his plans. I know those who help him.

I watch as he cleverly moves each person, every step of the way.

I see the foolishness and the mistakes of those who seek peace. Only when they look back do they see the wrong decisions they have made, allowing the violence to spread.

Sadly, it will all continue, at an ever-increasing pace, one clever move after another by the terrorists and one foolish move after another by those who are trying to resist. So many mistakes in the past and so many political decisions in the present!

Should I be like Joan of Arc, guiding your armies to victory? What kind of intervention is needed? I am ready to lead. Do not look to the heavens but at your own hearts. Am I totally unprepared for this moment of crisis? Indeed, I am the only creature whom the heavenly Father has prepared. I am his plan of action.

I want my light to pour forth out of the Church and into the marketplace. I want all to know that the Catholic Church is the repository of God’s special light at this moment of world crisis.

My greatest sorrow is that the Church herself does not understand the light that I want to pour forth. At this moment, the Church needs someone like Joan of Arc, led by a divine voice to take the bold steps needed for the victory of peace.

Comment: St. Joan of Arc (1412-1431) began to experience visions at 13. These heavenly voices told her that she would save France from the English. She convinced everyone and was allowed to lead the French army in recapturing Orleans and Troyes (June 1429). In July, Charles accepted his role as King of France. She is called the Maid of Orleans and is the patron saint of France.

An Ocean To Put Out the Fire

August 13, 2014


There are many paths, leading in different directions which mankind chooses. Often, he feels that he has chosen the best path when really he has chosen his own destruction. Such is life upon earth, a veritable landmine of darkness, filled with false lights that attract powerfully and lead to the first steps that doom many.

Never before has this been so true. The world is filled with the greatest weapons, with powers never before available. The darkness settles and abides, one darkness leading to another.

Mankind is in an endless tunnel with no doors, caught and enmeshed in webs he himself has constructed, like a fisherman caught in his own net. Really, words cannot even describe the present state of the world.

In some places, life goes on as usual, seemingly immune to the darkness. Other places find themselves at the very center of the boiling pot. The world is like a house which is partially on fire. Does it give comfort that one part of the house is not yet ablaze? Or is the fire an alarm signal for all in the house?

My words are that signal, trying to awaken the whole world before the house burns down. “Awaken! I say to my Church. Awaken to me so you can pour out a fresh light upon this darkness. Awaken so the fires of hell can be extinguished before they consume more and more of human life.”

In you, my Church, I have placed powers which reside deeply in your soul, a mighty ocean which alone can put out these fires. I have placed them nowhere else. They do not abide in any other church. They do not rest in any world organization or in the hands of any world leader.

I want to exalt my Church. At the moment of the greatest fires, I want these waters to be freely released, so the whole world can see the divine prerogative of the Catholic Church. I wait for you to act. Someday, that ocean will be released but how much of the house will be burned down before it happens?

Comment: Certainly, the world is a house on fire. All can see that. However, we need Mary’s words to know about her mighty ocean hidden in the Church.

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