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Hell’s Power Over Earth

(September 20 to September 26, 2014)

Going From Light to Darkness

September 20, 2014


Come, I want to take you into the darkness of hell. Only then can you understand the events that are taking place and the hideousness of sin. There will be stages of this darkness and at the very end, we will come to the center, face to face with Satan and his legions.

The road from light into darkness begins slowly. It is like a twilight. The person still believes, still practices their faith, but in certain areas of life they begin to leave God’s law behind. Attractions grow that were never tolerated before. Religious practices become secondary and routine. The flower is cut off from its deep roots of faith and no longer draws nourishment from the soil.

The person can no longer fight the culture and soon becomes one with it. The joys found in religious practices fade and the heart is consumed with worldly goals. The soul becomes powerless in the face of temptations and more and more succumbs to a lifestyle that it would previously have rejected.

The soul has not yet fallen into darkness but it skirts the edges, stumbles often, rises slowly and is greatly weakened while Satan waits for his moment, ready to claim a soul that had lived in the light.

Comment: O reader, if these words describe you, know that Our Lady loves you and is offering you the help you need to return quickly to the light.

Satan’s Network

September 21, 2014


Sometimes the earth trembles, the skies grow dark and the waves are in turmoil, as happen with hurricanes, earthquakes and tornadoes. All of these are symbols of the destructive powers of hell. A force is released which disturbs the existing order. Although some earthly manifestations have a satanic root, hell’s greatest powers are shown in human events like anger, disputes, misunderstandings, breaking of promises, destruction of relationships, greed, scandals, sometimes a complete and sudden destruction of what seemed so stable.

These powers of hell do not break forth in natural disasters but within the human person. All are subject to these powers and many mistakenly believe that these are human misunderstandings or human errors. Really, hell is breaking loose and, if not overcome, the powers will keep spreading. Satan wants only to destroy, to tear down, and to ruin.

However the powers of hell reach another level when they fasten upon hearts which are committed to evil, twisted hearts which have made evil decisions and deliberately chosen evil paths. Satan raises these people up, gives them places of authority, fills their pockets with money, lavishes upon them great political powers, protects them from their enemies, and keeps them in power until they no longer serve his purposes. These people are everywhere, in the world and in the Church, in business and in education, in politics and in science. Without knowing it, they form a network of evil that protects each other and fights for the same causes. They are intelligent, powerful, accepted by many, often well-groomed, highly educated and even charming.

They persuade others, lead causes, and are brilliant in speech. They have no love for the truth and see no evil in breaking God’s law. All is expediency, whatever gains their distorted goals.

Society is on the brink because Satan owns so many thousands of people. Their passions are disordered and their egos dominate their thoughts. They are his vanguard, his instruments in leading the world over the brink, where it is now headed unless the powers in my Immaculate Heart are soon released.

No human mind can detect Satan’s network and no human force can destroy it. Only the Woman Clothed With the Sun is his worthy adversary.

Comment: Our Lady gives a powerful description of what is happening before our eyes but is really not seen.

Face to Face With Hell

September 22, 2014


Before leading to the important conclusions, I must take you face to face with this kingdom of hell, for it is truly a kingdom, with a hierarchy and members, tightly knit and under the leadership of Satan, whose name as an angel was Lucifer, the bearer of light.

I must open your eyes and you must see. There can be no mistake, no claiming that the kingdom of hell is just a name for impersonal evils that inevitably happen in human events. No, the kingdom of hell is persons. Fallen angels are persons, with intellect and free will. They have used their free will to reject light and to choose darkness, to reject love and choose hatred, to reject service and choose pride. They are bound to each other by their “No” to Jesus Christ and to his kingdom of light. They contain every possible evil and seek only to pour it forth upon mankind of whom they are extremely jealous because human persons have a chance to replace them on their heavenly thrones.

This kingdom of total darkness and complete evil constantly breaks forth into human history, destroying the good and promoting destruction. This kingdom is intelligent and powerful, always keeping itself hidden unless it serves their purpose to be known and seen.

Unaware of this intelligent powerful, evil, destructive and well organized kingdom, human beings cooperate with it, find some aspects attractive, dabble in its powers and open their hearts to becoming a member.

All of this, I will explain further.

Comment: Our Lady tries to warn us of the enemy who wants to destroy us.

Turning the World Into a Hell

September 23, 2014


Let us pierce to the very heart of hell, which is the free will of all the angels who rejected the light. By their own choice their wills are filled with an unquenchable fire. God made them angelic persons with the most piercing intellects and the firmest of wills, mighty angels in his image and likeness, far outstripping any human person. It is impossible to conceive the perfection of the angelic beings or the great powers which they received.

However, when invited to use these powers for love and for service, they were blinded by their own perfections and cried out with one voice “We will not serve!” Immediately, all of their great powers turned in upon themselves. Their free choice began an eternal fire because their wills chose only themselves.

In that moment, hell began in the heart of each fallen angel. They hated themselves and each other and were bound together in this fire of hatred. Such are the flames of hell, which now spread so rapidly in human history and can be seen everywhere.

Do not say that the destructive fires of Syria, Iraq, ISIS, the Ukraine and Gaza are human fires. They are the fires of hell, flowing from the hearts of those who would turn the whole world into a hell. This is the mystery I am trying to reveal.

Comment: The world’s destruction can only be understood and defeated by those who believe in hell. Everyone else does not know what is going on!

Satan’s Use of the Syrian Revolution

September 24, 2014


The world is in total ignorance of these destructive powers that I am describing. It relegates these truths to its fiction novels and its movies. It moves in only one plane, as if reality were one dimensional. It rejects the reality of heaven and the power of hell. Now, as hell feels empowered and able to break forth into the news, the world and its leaders have no answers. So, I must use these locutions to hammer home my basic message.

All the destructive events that now make the headlines, the wars, the executions and the extensive, massive human sufferings which follow, come from hell. They do not have a human source. Human beings knowingly or unknowingly, are merely instruments of hell. The important conclusion is the following.

Your human intellects are so puny that you will never have a strategy to defeat these evils. They confound you. They twist you in circles. One year you go in one direction. A year later, you go in another. You arm your friends and they become your enemies. You do not even know who is who. You are not sure whom you should bomb and whom you should arm. You do not even know the names of all the groups or how they interact.

Whom should I blame? You have long ago cast aside your faith and heaven’s help. You have built your own world and taught your children to be secular. Now you are bereft like an unarmed soldier facing a deadly foe.

As the events continue, these locutions will grow in importance. Remember that they began with the Egyptian Revolution (January 2011). That was my sign to the locutionist that these words had to go forth. That was the beginning but it was the Syrian revolution that lit the fuse. I spoke a year ago about this (August 23 and 26, 2013). Now you can see all the evils that have followed.

I have not abandoned the world. These locutions are a proof of my care for my children. O reader, do not think your prayers and sacrifices are small. They are important to me. Your love, especially, consoles me. Continue in your little devotions. My great gifts have not been released. Oh, when will the Holy Father consecrate Russia? I wait but I also actively prepare for that moment.

Comment: The locutions grow deeper and become much more serious. A great war between heaven and hell is about to break forth upon the earth. The signs are becoming evident to all.

Hell’s Nuclear Arsenal

September 25, 2014


There are fires of hell which the world has not yet seen. Only the beginning fires have billowed forth. Hell began in the hearts of the fallen angels. They were created to love God but chose only to love themselves. This fire is an intense hatred for themselves.

They did not want God’s presence, so they gathered together in their own hatred. What a kingdom! Highly intelligent and powerful creatures are inexorably linked together by the fires of hatred. No love and no friendships exist in hell. All are enemies.

From this cauldron of unimaginable hatred comes forth the destruction and suffering on earth. The door was opened by man’s own rebellion and a refusal to serve God. The effects can be seen by all, especially in the intense hatreds and violence of the Middle East. Hatred, suffering, destruction – these are the clear signs of hell’s presence and power.

I teach all of this to underscore the total inability of mankind to put out these fires. Sometimes, human efforts multiply and spread the fires. Now, I come to the heart of my teaching – nuclear weapons. In all of these conflicts, conventional weapons have been used. Their power is great but still limited. Although Satan has not yet reached into his nuclear arsenal, the weapons are being made ready and soon they will find their way into the hands of those who will gladly use them.

At that moment, the world will come to a point which it has never reached, nuclear arms in the possession of hell itself. That is the combination which must be feared.

People will ask, “What are we to do?” Always I answer that human solutions do not exist but heaven will cast down another fire, a more powerful fire. The heavenly Father has already placed these fires in my Immaculate Heart. For almost a century, I have been speaking of these fires and all the blessings they contain. Over and over again, my central message has been about world peace. These fires must come forth. Yet who clamors to have them released?

Especially in the Church, the great silence prevails. Changes must happen quickly. I do not want the annihilation of the nations.

Comment: Thank God that up to now, all of man’s hatred has been expressed only in conventional weapons.

Seeking to Destroy Everyone

September 26, 2014


Hell seeks to control everyone and every aspect of earth. Earth is a kingdom that it dearly covets. Earth is quite different from both heaven and hell. On earth everyone lives in time.

There is a past, present and future. Earth has a history of events and God’s plan for earth unfolds day by day. Hell sees its great opportunity. It can interfere, change or even destroy that plan. For hell, earth is a place where it can get back at God and steal from him his own creatures. This is the reality I am trying to reveal.

Hell seeks to control everyone, every event and every aspect of earth. Hell is inexorable. It has no free will. It marches along a path it does not choose, a path of total hatred. As such, every person must be their target. Hell plots on the individual level, the national level and the international level. It plots in the heart of every person and in the gatherings of world leaders. Its plans are total. Every aspect of human life is analyzed. Every part of its plan fits together. Such is the kingdom of hell, about which man knows so little and is totally defenseless.

Have I made my case? Do you see now how important is the fire in my Immaculate Heart? Do you not want me as your companion on the journey? Is it not foolhardy for the Church to set me aside? I have made my point and revealed hell’s secrets. Let this word go forth. I will now reveal heaven’s secrets and the steps which the Father wants to happen.

Comment: Understanding the powers and extent of hell’s influence should lead us to seek heaven’s help.

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