Future Events
(February 15 to February 18, 2013)
A Long Process
February 15, 2013
The events will be guided by my hands. There will be a series of decisions that will move along the right path, all going toward the goal. People are in place whom I can easily stir into action so that my interests are safeguarded and all comes to its proper conclusion. This will not be a short process, or one that will be completed quickly. The cardinals will go back and forth, looking at many possible candidates. In all of this, I will be guiding them by my inner light, attracting them to some candidates and leading them away from others. All they need to do is to be led by my Spirit. Sufficient numbers will follow the Spirit so the purpose of the conclave is fulfilled.
Mary’s Moment of Joy
The time is fruitful, like a woman about to give birth. That is exactly what will happen. I will bring into the daylight the one whom I have kept so hidden, always nourishing him and providing a place of life. Now is the time for him to come forth.
I rejoice. I truly rejoice in all of these events. They are brought about by the Spirit of God and they will be completed as the Spirit continually breathes upon the whole Church. Yes, the whole Church must share deeply in these events because your mother is about to bring forth the pope who will consecrate Russia to my Immaculate Heart. It can no longer be delayed.
The War Has Begun
February 16, 2013
I take the time to explain each part in great detail so the whole picture will be clear. The resignation of Pope Benedict is the beginning of the great war. It is now the hour of conflict when the armies of Satan rise up to destroy the Church. However, this resignation was a surprise, the Woman Clothed With the Sun took the initiative. Seeing all that is to come, she began the war. This surprise move has shifted everything. Now, Satan must adjust to the reality of the new pope who sees so clearly that this is the Age of Mary. The new pope will usher in this Age of Mary. He will take all the steps. He will not be deterred by any obstacle. He places no trust in his own powers and knows that the world can only be saved through the intervention of my Mother. He sees clearly what must be done and will not waste any time, in taking all the steps.
A Pope Fashioned By Mary
I have fashioned this new pope with my own hands. Our spirits are as one, joined together by the Spirit of God. He understands my plans and listens to my words. He walks with me. I have shown him my secrets and shared with him my plans. All that he does is guided by me. He takes no step without invoking my name.
How I have kept him, like none other, always preparing him for the moment when I say to the world, “This is my pope, fashioned by my hands. He will be a light to the nations and the glory of my people, Israel”. None will defeat him, even though he has no power. None will destroy him, even though the fires of hell have already tried to do that. He is mine, hidden for so many, many years in my heart and now about to be revealed to the whole world.
Moving Up the Timetable
February 17, 2013
Keep your eyes open. See all the world events that suddenly will begin to happen. These are a response to the Holy Father’s announcement. The war has begun. The first shot has been fired.
I did not wait for Satan to act. I would not give him the chance to decide the timetable. I led the Pope to take this extraordinary action because I wanted to decide the time and the setting. Now the shot has been fired. It is a shot of faith, of belief that the Spirit will guide the Church.
Keep your eyes open. You will see the demonic response. You will see whom he stirs to acts of violence, whom he gets to take the world stage. He must lead those whom he controls to action.
The time has been moved up. Otherwise, he would have greater armies and greater forces. He is forced to begin with what he already has in place. It is too late now to deploy all that he wanted. His forces are not as strong as they would have been. The announcement has stirred those who believe in me. There is great expectancy. Still, the Church herself is not yet ready but that will be remedied by the new pope whom I have already enlightened.
Coming World Events
The time is short. My children must be prepared. Events will happen quickly. See them for what they are. Even though they happen in various parts of the world, there will always be the same pattern. Some area of darkness has resulted from sinful actions over a long period of time.
There will be a great weakness, an inability to withstand a great force. This great force will suddenly break through or bring a crisis to a head. The results will be like a fire that overflows and pours out, damaging what is closest. None of these events will be earth-shaking but taken together they will constitute a grave problem, stretching the world’s resources to the breaking point. Then, the break will come, the last of a long line of events and circumstances. This event will truly change the picture. All will begin to see what is so evident to those who know my words. The war has begun. The other side has responded, trying to break the will of the people. How much the world will need me at this time. That is why I will raise up the pope of my choice.
The Events Are All Connected
February 18, 2013
All the events are tied together. Nothing happens in an isolated way. All are part of the story, the constant story of good and evil, the clash of kingdoms in which man is caught up.
This is his place, his role, and only by revelation can he understand. If anyone rejects this revelation then they are bound to darkness, totally unaware of the forces of good and evil that interplay in the course of history. Man is not passive. He must act and make decisions.
Without revelation, he acts in darkness, unaware of the role that he is playing. That is why I speak. A great drama is taking place and, in these moments, the great and important scenes are being played out. Will man understand? Will the Church understand? That is why I speak.
Unleashing the Destructive Power
Happy the person who hears, understand and believes these words. They are light in the darkness, explaining all of the events and even speaking ahead of time of events that have not yet happened.
A great destructive power has been set in the soil of history. It has not yet been released.
Because of the prayers of many, it has been pushed back, moved off course and made less destructive. However, this destructive power has been planted. The soil was made receptive by the sins of mankind. This destructive seed was protected by mankind’s refusal to repent when so many opportunities and so much time was granted. Now, the destructive power must come forth so that I can once more claim the soil of earth. I will keep my children safe if they listen to me.
The pope’s resignation is my beginning step to protect you. See this extraordinary act for what it is – your heavenly mother’s first step in sheltering her children.
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