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Finding the Road of Light

(October 4 to October 8, 2012)

Using Your Moments of Disappointments

October 4, 2012


The great moments of light come when earth disappoints you.  While your heart is absorbed with earth and you believe that earth can fulfill all your hopes and desires, you are closed to the light.  When the moment of disillusionment arrives, when your dreams of earthly happiness seem shattered, when you taste of earth’s fruit and realize that it can never satisfy – those are the moments when great light can come.

Each one arrives at this point by different roads, by different events and at different times.  Each responds differently.  Some mistakenly believe that they have not plunged deeply enough into what earth offers.  Others believe that emptiness is all they can expect, that their youth is over.  But others use those moments to gain the light.  That is what I will teach you.

The Narrow Road of Light

October 5, 2012


In moments of disappointment, do not turn back or look in another direction.  It is too late to look for other paths to safety.  There is only one path – the one that I will show you.  Your heart must be steadfast.  Do not fear and, especially, do not look for other options.  Other roads will seem easier to walk but they will not lead to salvation.

What road am I talking about? It is the road of light as contrasted with the road of darkness.  The light is within you.  I have placed it in your heart.  Unfortunately, this light is mixed with many elements of darkness (those desires that pull you).  Resist these.  Follow only your desires for light.  This is the narrow road but soon you will gain an ease and the darkness will be left behind.

Not a Child’s Game

October 6, 2012


Why do I ask people to set aside their desires even some that are legitimate? I do this because the reward is so great and the dangers are so numerous.  When the goal is eternal life and when the enemy is the Evil One, then the demands must be great.  Otherwise, seeking the kingdom would be like a child’s game.  If the child loses, the game can be played again.

Eternal life is quite different.  A person lives but once.  He chooses but once.  His decisions are recorded forever.  This is not a child’s game nor is it the work of a few days.  The demands are heavy and the time for faithfulness spreads out over many years, until the hour of death.  This is the narrow road of light that few walk.  I call you to this road and promise that I will help you.

The Road of Faith

October 7, 2012


First, remember that this road leads to heaven and to an eternal happiness that will never end.  It is different from human paths which lead only to human goals.  Second, you must walk this path all your life, never swerving from it.  Finally, you must hope that when your eyes shut in death that they will open in the glory of heaven.  All is faith.  You cannot even see the road without faith and you will not persevere on this road without faith.  So, listen to my words.  These will give you faith.

Mary – The Perfect Human Person

October 8, 2012


When the sun of your life sets (as will inevitably happen) there will be awaiting you eternal glory.  You need not lead a perfectly sinless life to enter glory.  That is impossible.  Man is frail and subject to many failures.  You must, however, always seek heaven and always turn to the good.  But this, too, is impossible without my help.  I will explain all that took place and why I speak to you.

Two things are impossible for you – to always do the good (never to sin) and to always seek the good.  However, I have done these two things.  I have accomplished these goals.  I always did the good, every moment of my life.  I never committed sin and I always sought the good.  This was possible for me by my Immaculate Conception, God’s special gift.  Now I reveal the secret to you.  The powers God gave to me, I will give to you.  This is the easy way to walk the narrow road.

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