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Fasting Is Important For Your Souls

Wednesday, February 22nd, 2012 @ 19:00

Message received by Maria Divine Mercy during Adoration of the Holy Eucharist

My dearly beloved daughter tell My children that this time of Lent is a time of quiet reflection, of personal sacrifice and an opportunity to pray for the mitigation of war in the world.

Emulate My fasting in the desert by making small sacrifices.

Fasting is important for your souls. It cleanses the spirit and gives Me great comfort.

You can save many souls by fasting just once a week.

This can be according to your desire. All that matters is that you offer up this day for souls.

Use this time to help Me in My battle for souls.

Reflect on My life on earth and the gift I bestowed, by My death on the cross, to provide all of My children with Eternal Life.

These few weeks of Lent must be used to prepare your souls and those of your brothers and sisters.

Please prepare for Holy Week and Easter by reciting this Crusade Prayer (34) My Gift of Fasting to Jesus

O My Jesus
Help me in my own small way
To imitate your life of sacrifice in order to save mankind
Allow me to offer you the gift of fasting one day a week
Throughout Lent to save all of humanity so that they can
Enter the gates of the New Paradise on Earth
I offer you dear Jesus My sacrifice
With love and joy in my heart to show you the extent of my love
Through this sacrifice I beg you for the salvation of every soul who may Have fallen from grace.


Do not allow fear to cloud your hope of eternal salvation children. The purification will be swift.

You, My followers who accept the Seal of the Living God are blessed.

You must not worry.

You must be strong.

You must be hopeful and focus on Me at all times.

Only then will you rise and walk the thorny road without hesitation.

I will guide and lead you on your journey every step of the way.

Your beloved Jesus

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