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Events on the Horizon

(October 10 to October 19, 2013)

Predicting Future Happenings

October 10, 2013


I will take a new road. I will speak of those events that are on the horizon, events which are about to happen.

I speak now of these secular events, because mankind is absorbed by the secular. As I speak about secular happenings, mankind will begin to listen. Then, I will speak words that will lead mankind into my light.

The great forces for change in the Obama presidency have spent themselves. These fires no longer burn so fiercely. The agenda is pared down and the hearts of his followers experience no great exhilaration. Such will be this second term. The important events will not be under his control.

Notre Dame

October 11, 2013


The waves of destruction will again erupt. Although these waves will not be permanent they will again weaken the foundations. How long can the building of peace and security stand when hit by so many waves?

The violence in Egypt will continue bursting out again and again. It will be quickly put down but will survive beneath the surface. Turkey will also experience continued unrest. It is no longer a model for building a secular state.

In these troubles, many will say, “They are far away, in other lands”. However, these waves will also strike Europe. The economic problems will soon surface. More reserves will be spent to solve the situation. Many will say, “Our ship can survive these waves”. Look at your ship. It is badly battered and taking on water every day.

What can Europe do? They used to invoke me as Notre Dame (Our Lady). In those centuries, I blessed Europe and sent my sons to discover and to develop a new world. If the European leaders would again use these words, Notre Dame, I would bless them and lead them into peaceful waters. How much I love that title.

A Sword That Divides America

October 12, 2013


I have drawn my sword of division against America. I will divide the president from the congress and, the congress from the people. I will divide the federal government from the state governments. I will divide America from head to toe. All will be division.

I do this, America, because you have drawn your sword against your unborn. They have never lived to see their own country. Why should I allow the mothers, the fathers, the doctors, the politicians, those who made money and all those who have voted for abortion to enjoy a peaceful America?

Eventually, I will even put your constitution to the sword. Why should I protect a constitution that supposedly gives a woman the right to kill her child? I will use the very words of your own president, “I will not negotiate”. I will not sacrifice even one child upon the altar of compromise.

You ask, “How long will this last”? When America puts away forever its sword of abortion, I will put away my sword of division. So, when you see all the divisions suddenly arising in American life, do not ask, “Why is this happening and how long will it last”? I have already told you the answers.

The New Slave Class

October 13, 2013


I speak again of the growing division in America. When a person acts selfishly, they build a wall which protects their own interests. America has built a wall around its heart, a selfish protection against unborn children.

Years ago, America had a similar wall against its slaves. The power of this wall led to division, even to secession and a civil war. The wall was lifted only when slaves were given their freedom and America came together again.

The unborn children are the slave class of America and abortion is the new wall. That wall has been built into the lives and hearts of American, and it must be torn down. I want all to see the reality. The blood of the unborn is on the hands of the president and of every politician who refuses to act to end abortion.

America, you have chosen this selfishness and it will plunge you into a new civil war. You already see it happening. I must warn you ahead of time. Even your constitution will not save your union.

A Jolted America

October 14, 2013


Although wielding my sword of division, I encourage all those who stand with me in the truth that an unborn child is a person. Never, never compromise that truth. Never sacrifice any child for political expediency.

I speak now to all who know that the unborn is a human person. America needs to be jolted back to the path of truth. It will not be led by the hand. It will not accept words of direction. It must be jolted. It must wake up some day and discover that abortion in America is illegal, against the law. It will not accept this easily. Voices will speak out and protests will be staged but those who follow my voice must not compromise. Every unborn child must be protected by the law, as was the case decades ago.

By these words, you will know that I want not only the life of the unborn but also the life of America itself. I will be with you in this great enterprise. Your abortion foes are weak. They have much money and great political power but they do not possess the truth that an unborn child is a person. By this truth their cause can be mortally wounded, and they know this.

ankind will begin to listen. Then, I will speak words that will lead mankind into my light.

The great forces for change in the Obama presidency have spent themselves. These fires no longer burn so fiercely. The agenda is pared down and the hearts of his followers experience no great exhilaration. Such will be this second term. The important events will not be under his control.

Understanding the Battle

October 15, 2013


Every part of the world is fought over by two kingdoms, God’s and Satan’s. No price is too big or too small. The fight is over nations, over cities, over families and over each individual person. The intensity of the battle varies, depending on the importance of each nation, each city and each person.

Like any war, preparations have been made ahead of time. I have chosen some people from their birth and I have prepared them. Satan has done the same thing. He roams about cultures not touched by Jesus’ light and chooses his prime candidates. He fills them with darkness and prepares their path so they gain positions of power.

This is the state of the world. Many people, filled with the greatest darkness, occupy the highest places of power. Others, filled with my light, are also in place. Each day, the battle goes on. On some days, darkness wins great victories. On other days, the darkness is scattered. I want my people to think in terms of this war between light and darkness. Otherwise, their understanding of secular events will be too superficial. They will not oppose the darkness enough nor will they struggle to shine for the light, when a great possibility exists.

A Presidential Candidate

October 16, 2013


There is a great divide in America, wider than the Grand Canyon. The forces of division are greater than the forces of unity. So it will be, until I save America through one whom I love deeply.

This is what I said in the beginning and I repeat it now. No human power can solve these divisions, but I will spare America for now. I have allowed this economic ground to shake and to tremble beneath your feet and I will rescue America by one whom I love dearly. I will offer him as a candidate for the presidency. If America accepts him, I will bless this land.

The End of the Debt Limit Crisis

October 17, 2013


The debt limit crisis is resolved. The two parties go home to assess what has happened. Does everyone now expect peace, as if a treaty has been signed and a war has ended? I have already explained that a battle rages between heaven and hell and when America chooses hell, it finds only war. America, you have chosen hell. You have chosen to abandon your religious practices.

You have chosen to remove God’s commandments from your public places. You snuff out public prayer. You sacrifice your unborn and you exalt a form of marriage that is no marriage at all.

Answer me truthfully. Have these not been your choices? Indeed, you have chosen hell and you will reap the fruits of hell, which is war not peace, division not unity. May my words awaken you! Choose heaven, not hell. Then peace will begin to settle upon your country which is so close to my heart.

The 2016 Elections

October 18, 2013


By ending the debt limit crisis America does not embark on a new road. The path is the same, so much the same. More spending, more borrowing, more debt. America is robbing its children, stealing all of their money from their little pockets. Who cannot see the injustice? Why does this happen?

America steals from its young children and kills its unborn children. The two actions go together. America has no remorse over the stealing because it has no remorse over the killing. The highest levels of government sanction and approve both.

I must help America. Those leaders who are so fervent to reduce the debt must also become dedicated to eliminate abortions. I hold this against them. They have failed to reduce the debt because they have forgotten to protect the unborn.

Go back and rearrange your priorities. Place both issues at the front of your agenda. If you do this, I will fully support you. I will bring your opponents into darkness. They will suffer from great scandals. What you thought was impossible, you will easily gain. Plan now for the 2016 elections. Do what should be done and I will be with you.

When the Trap Springs Shut

October 19, 2013


Satan leads his people step by step knowing that it will arrive at a moment of great destruction. No one sees these daily steps but all can see the great destruction that eventually happens.

Each day, America walks away from me step by step. No one notices. When the great disasters occur, people will ask “How could God have let this happen?” Why speak of God? You are the ones who took the daily steps. You chose your path and made your decisions.

I speak with great urgency. Turn back. Turn back. Do not wait for others. It will be too late. Walk away. Walk away. You are too close to the great disasters. I will save all whom I can save, but people must turn and be converted.

When a trap is set, it takes only one moment for it to spring shut. Then, none can escape.

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