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Confronting the World’s Problems

(October 28 to November 5, 2013)

A World-wide Conversion

October 28, 2013


I must return again to the problems that plague the world and even endanger its very existence. There can be no progress into the light until mankind deliberately seeks the help of heaven. All other solutions are no solutions at all. Because new inventions can be used by good and bad alike, what mankind calls progress, leads really to destruction. Evil people take advantage of all that is new.

The current problems can be solved only by a conversion of man’s spirit. These are the true and deep secrets that I will begin to reveal. Do not say that there cannot be a worldwide conversion of hearts. That will happen when Russia is consecrated to my Immaculate Heart.

Before that happens, the whole world must prepare for those blessings.

Comment: Serious problems abound and people look for solutions according to man’s wisdom. True worldwide change comes only with worldwide conversions.

To the Non-religious Reader

October 29, 2013


So many close their hearts to the kingdom of heaven. They have made their decision not to be open to any religious influence. Their lives are over. They are playing out the string. The decision has been made. This is what I see more and more. Because the culture has chosen to exclude religious life, many have no faith.

Shall I let them all go to hell? Should I allow them to be the victims of their own choices? I will not give up. I will knock at their heart, even if they want me to go away. Even though they want to remain locked in their disbelief, I will invite them to open up to the kingdom.

That is why I speak each day in these locutions. Many who read them are already open to the Holy Spirit, but some have been tricked and fooled by a society that does not know this light.

To some readers, I say this. Because you have not enjoyed a strong religious upbringing, your heart turned to earthly goals. Religious practice has no place in your life. Now, you are hearing a different drummer, who plays the songs of God’s kingdom. Keep listening. Someday, my song will capture your heart and you will open your life to me. I pray so earnestly for that day.

Comment: This locution, although given for all, has specific persons in mind. Mary invites people raised in a non-religious atmosphere to receive her special graces.

Inner Decisions

October 30, 2013


Is it too much to ask a person to set aside Sunday for the Lord? Is it too much to ask that they join with others on Sunday in communal worship? Is it too much to ask that they keep the commandments and abide by God’s laws? These are the fundamental duties of the believer and they are the first steps on the road to heaven.

To anyone who commits themselves to this road, I promise new life which no one can take away. How important are the decisions made in the secrecy of the human heart. O reader, I work so intensely in your heart and I do not want you to miss out. Look into your own heart. See where I am leading you and follow me.

Comment: Each person must read their own heart, see Mary’s guidance and follow her.

The Unpredictable Future

October 31, 2013


People used to feel that their life was in their own hands. If they were wise and made the right decisions, then God would bless them and they would enjoy a life of happiness. Now everything has changed. The future is no longer predictable. Change and uncertainty fill the air. Everyone feels robbed of control over their own lives, no matter how good their decisions.

I speak now because this uncertainty will grow and grow. It will not go away. It cannot be solved by human powers. In the midst of this darkness, I whisper in your soul, “Follow me. I will show you the way of hope.” O reader, if you walk on your own and you will be immersed in an overwhelming darkness that will overpower all your resources.

This is my clear message in these uncertain times. Seek to live with God as intensely and fully as you can. You will find a way of peace only in your heart (where I await you). There you will find me and I will not let go of you.

Comment: This is true. An unsettled world means that none of us can plot our future. Mary invites us to develop a life of prayer, “finding a way of peace” in our hearts. She will be there.

Why the Daily Locution?

November 1, 2013


I speak daily because people make decisions every day. These decisions are not made in a vacuum. People are pulled in every direction by powerful forces that entrap and addict them. I speak so the person can experience a different attraction. My voice calls each person to a special road that the world refuses to believe in, does not advocate and preaches violently against.

O reader, let my words entice your heart. Let there be new inner stirrings. Do not ignore or stifle these new desires. Decide to serve God, not man. Follow these new longings and live for God. Long for heaven and for eternal life”.

When these hopes fill you, when you rejoice to see the inner changes, when you see yourself becoming my new creation, then you know that my daily words have accomplished their task.

These locutions are my gift to you. I have come and found you.

Comment: The powerful modern world attracts to darkness. So, Mary offers a new different attraction. Her voice and her words call us to a surprising path.

November 2, 2013 Signs In Your Midst

November 2, 2013 Signs In Your Midst


God refuses to be ignored. He has not formed creation to be banished from it nor has he created man to be rejected and set aside. The more God is set aside, the greater becomes his plans to re-enter society in ways that are evident to all.

This divine emergence happened at Fatima, as the sun danced. It is happening again at Medjugorje. However, God does not need visionaries to give signs. God’s signs come in many ways. In the days ahead, I will explain many signs that are even now in your midst.

Speaking to Everyone

November 3, 2013


I want the whole world to look for my signs. I do not ask you to look up into the clouds, as if you would see me standing there. I want you to be still, to look into your own heart. Find there new stirrings, and new desires. They were not there yesterday. You find a new desire for God and for his friendship. Suddenly, you want to take up new religious practices.

Secondly, you will begin to hear my voice. By reading my locutions, you realize that I speak in a quite human way. If you remain at peace and search your own heart, I will begin to speak to you in the same way. These will be little words. You will even write some down. You will say, “Mary is speaking to me”. The daily locutions will guide you. You will not go off course.

By reading these locutions, you know my interests and the helps that I offer. Especially, you have learned to hear my voice.

Comment: Mary wants you to hear her voice within you. Find a quiet place and listen. Each day, her voice will grow stronger.

Mary’s Promise to Act

November 4, 2013


I will not spare any gift. The time is too short and too urgent. Everyone in the world must be given a special, personal invitation to turn to Jesus and to be saved. How will I bring about this worldwide phenomenon? When will it happen? Many speculate about this but, as always, speculation is fruitless.

I want to speak about the gifts which I offer at this moment, special favors for everyone who reads these locutions (and for others who hear about them). Dear reader, call upon me. Invoke my name. Speak to me in your own words (how I love hearing you). When you do, I will be able to act upon the events of your life. I will mitigate your sufferings and bring relief more quickly than expected. I will open doors that have been closed to you, even for a long time. I will bring peace to your marriage and blessings upon your work. Your life is too filled with sufferings, burdens and even chaos, which hinder Jesus’ kingdom in your life.

Call upon me and I will act. You will see my kindness and my power. This will be my sign to you.

Comment: Mary promises to help everyone as she helped the young couple at the Cana wedding feast.

The Woman of Cana

November 5, 2013


Those who know and love me speak often of how close I am to them and of the many favors that I give to them. They know that I lead them by easy paths and that they arrive at far away goals with little effort. They know that I console them in every sorrow and often, turn their sorrows into joys.

I am the Woman of Cana for whom Jesus worked his first miracle and, for whom, he works every miracle. I am always at his side as an intercessor for the whole human race.

To you, O reader, I want to reveal this title, The Woman of Cana, so you can invoke me and come to me with all of your needs. I will take your needs immediately to Jesus and, right before your eyes, time and again, you will see the water of your sorrows and trials, turn into the wine of peace and victory.

I am the Woman of Cana for everyone in the whole world. How much I want everyone to invoke me under that title which has such a strong biblical basis. Some ask, “Where is Mary in the bible?” Go to Cana and you will find me there. Then, go to the cross, and you will find me there. I am at the beginning and the end of Jesus’ public ministry.

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