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Divine Invitations

(November 13 to November 17, 2012)

An Invitation to Faith

November 13, 2012


I speak to the world because some will listen and be saved.  How many will be saved? I was asked that question and I said that people must enter by the narrow gate and walk the narrow road.  Many think that the road is wide.  However, the wide road does not lead to salvation and, indeed, many walk that road.

I speak and many do not listen.  Yet, a few take my words and find eternal life.  Those who find my road need a special light because the light in the world leads only to darkness.  A person cannot find the road to life unless he receives this special light called faith.  Once he receives faith, he must cherish it above everything else.  He must live by this light and even be willing to die for his faith.  That is how important this gift is.  So, reader, cherish faith above everything else.  Live by faith and you will live forever.


I nourish this faith in all believers.  I protect it and never let this light go out or be stolen.  Nevertheless, many who receive this light in childhood, lose it as adults.  They set it aside as unimportant.  They grow concerned about so many other goals.  They do not find time for the practice of their faith.  Yet, in their hearts, the roots of faith are still planted.

For others, the seed of faith has never been sown.  Their hearts are like rocky soil that cannot receive the seed.  These, and many other causes, block the seed of faith that is so essential to eternal life.  By these words, we will send forth a fresh invitation to the whole world to believe.

An Invitation to Surrender

November 14, 2012


I ask for a commitment of the heart, a full, total dedication that leaves no stone unturned in seeking my interests.  I ask for great hearts that do not count the cost.  With these hearts, I can do great things and bless many.

I call all to this level of faith.  To everyone, I extend the invitation.  If, right now, you experience some desire to surrender yourself completely, then read on.  These words are for you.


Do not be afraid of Jesus’ invitation, as if the cost might be too high and you cannot make the sacrifices that are needed.  These thoughts come from the Evil One.  Just set out.  I will be with you.  When you grow tired, I will refresh you.  When you grow weary, I will console you.  When you seem surrounded with darkness, I will come with my light.  Together, and only together with me, can you reach the goal of faith, your heavenly home.

This is not a short journey, a journey of a day, a week or even a year.  This is a journey of a lifetime that ends in eternal life for you and for many others.  Let us walk together.

An Invitation to Receive

November 15, 2012


I have many treasures of my heart that I want to place in your heart.  Do not be concerned that you are unworthy.  I have chosen you to receive.  You are reading these words.  They are my invitation and my assurance.

I place my gifts in your heart because that is where they belong.  They do not belong in my heart.  They are gifts, meant to be given away.  When in my heart, they remain wrapped up and do no good.  When I give them to you, I expect you to unwrap them, learn what they are for, and use them for yourself and for others.

How much I want to distribute these gifts! Do not be surprised that I have chosen you to receive.


All that you read here is encouraging.  All the words lift up your heart.  They tell you that all can and will be accomplished if only you agree.  This is true.  God can do all things and wants to give every blessing.  He needs you to believe and to open your heart, so you can receive.  After you are filled with the blessings, you have a responsibility to open them, to see how they can help others and what you must do.  However, this is a great privilege – to receive and to distribute blessings that come from Jesus’ heart.  So many try to distribute their own blessings.  No one gets helped and soon the person is empty, having nothing more to give.  You are to give only what Jesus give you to distribute.  First, you must receive from his heart.  Then, you can begin to share with others.

An Invitation to Love

November 16, 2012


My first and greatest gift is for you to love me with all your heart.  I give this gift freely and without reserve.  It pours out of my heart and can be received by all.  This love changes you, and gives new direction and meaning to your life.  This love was the fire that led all the saints on their path of holiness.  Do you want this fire of my love? I am ready to give it to you right now.  Just open your heart and ask.  “Jesus, please give me the fire of your love”.

Good! You have said the prayer.  Now we can proceed to other gifts.


This fire must go everywhere.  Do not limit its power or place obstacles to its life-changing purposes.  Let the fire touch your sins and consume them.  First, receive forgiveness for your past sins.  The fire consumes these quickly and instantly.  Then, receive a fire that will protect you from future sins.  This is given to you over a longer period of time.  Let the fire extend to others in the way you speak and act and even feel towards them.

Finally, let the fire bring you peace and joy.  You are on the right road.  You have allowed the fire of my Son’s heart to purify you and to lead you out of darkness into his new light.  I will be with you in your new life.  I was the first to receive this fire.

An Invitation to Serve

November 17, 2012


Love leads immediately to a forgetfulness of self, to the ability to set aside selfish desires and proud thoughts by which you think yourself to be better than others.  Love bestows a spirit of service, a desire that all be blessed as you are blessed.  Love is a river that flows out from my heart.  After this love is received, the river must not stop with you.  It must flow out to all others.  In this way, the whole world can be blessed, beginning with those whom you meet every day.


Now you are making progress.  You see where this river of love leads you.  Do not be afraid.  It is a new world, a new land, a new territory.  Jesus and I have gone there ahead of you.  Be kind to everyone.  Forgive those who hurt you.  Do good to those who take advantage of you.  Do not strike back or take revenge.  There is a new path.  After a while, you will grow familiar with this path.  You will see the folly of your former path and will rejoice that love has changed your heart.  Love, only love, can purify the world.  That is why I offer this gift so freely.

The Case Against Mankind

November 19, 2012


Let the court convene.  I will speak of all that I have done for mankind and all that mankind has done to me.  Then all will see that the days of retribution that lie ahead are not at all equal to the injustice that has been done to me.

In me, all things were created, all the heavens and all the earth.  Yet, man turned away and used all that I had made for his selfish goals.  I made the world for all to prosper, but the powerful set aside the weak and their cries reach my ears.  If I remove the wicked, others more wicked than they rise in their place.

So, I became a man to teach the world how to love, for man had forgotten.  I spoke of love, but others thought of violence.  Violence prevailed and I died on the cross.  Such is the first part of my case against mankind.


The times are very, very serious.  These are the days of divine retribution.  For so long, I have tried to postpone these days and the heavenly Father has mercifully listened.  I have tried to soften the divine blows that are justly awaiting mankind and the heavenly Father has mercifully listened.

Yet, this divine justice cannot be put off totally.  Some measures must be taken to bring mankind to its knees.  I have pleaded with the Father, to give me one more chance to bring about the repentance of the human race so that these actions of divine justice can be lessened even more.

The Ultimate Weapons of Destruction

November 20, 2012


Now, I come to the present day when my name is known everywhere.  In every country and on every continent, my name has been preached and the story of my love and sacrifice for mankind is known.

Yet, the world still does not listen.  It walks in a darkness which it finds so attractive.  The sins of man multiply.  As the power of man increases, his power to do evil multiplies.  Man has in his hands the ultimate weapons of destruction and some threaten to use them.  Man is entering the greatest stage of darkness, a darkness never before realized in all of history.  Yet, he is totally unaware of what lies ahead so soon.  That is why I speak so clearly in this extraordinary way.


What can I do when mankind refuses to listen and to turn back? I must give a warning, like a shot across the bow of a ship so that it turns back, a warning that is great enough to awaken the whole world but soft enough not to destroy the world, a warning that alerts and gives time for repentance.

Yet, when I give the warning, will there be preachers who will speak the truth or will they assign the causes to other factors.  Will anyone say, “We have sinned, let us repent”.  Or will the world continue in its ways of buying and selling, eating and drinking? Will no one say, “Let us call out to God day and night so he will give us swift justice?” Even so, I promise to give a warning and then a time for mankind to turn to me.  At least some voices will be raised.  Some will repent.  Some will turn to me.  These I will save.

Consecrating Russia to the Immaculate Heart

November 21, 2012


I say “Turn back” but my voice is drowned out by a thousand other voices that cry out “Go ahead”, even though mankind is totally unaware of what lies ahead.  First, I will tell you what lies ahead.  Mankind continues to build weapons of destruction.  These weapons proliferate.  Attempts to limit them are inevitably compromised.  No one is in charge.  Everyone lives for their own self-interest.  So, the causes of multiplication are everywhere.  No one can lead mankind down a path of peace, where these weapons are destroyed forever.  That is precisely the gift that the heavenly Father has placed in the heart of my mother, but this gift of Fatima is not opened, even by my church.

So, I call upon my Church to open the Fatima gift as quickly as possible.  Consecrate Russia to my mother’s Immaculate Heart.  When this is done, the power and light of Fatima will be released upon a world steeped in darkness and on the verge of nuclear disaster.  When this consecration is fulfilled, I will raise my voice in powerful ways to call the whole world to unimaginable conversion.  Peace will come, just as my mother has promised.


All is not hopeless.  The heavenly Father has provided the needed help for these ages of darkness.  Even the greatest darkness, the darkness of midnight itself can be turned into the light of the noonday sun.  Does this not happen every day of the year? Is there not a midnight followed twelve hours later by the noontime? This can also happen in the day of history.  I am the Woman Clothed With the Sun.  If mankind would just invoke me, I would change the night into day.

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