Describing Future Events
(November 29 to December 4, 2012)
The Coming Darkness
November 29, 2012
Just as the sun sets each day and night comes, so the sun is setting upon the world and the night with its powers of darkness, cover the globe. These are not material powers but destructive, evil powers, descending upon the earth like night descends when the sun sets.
Unfortunately, there is no timetable. No one can say “The darkness will last so many hours until the sun rises again”. But I will not let the world remain in ignorance. I will give my word, a clear and truthful word. All during the darkness, I will raise up a clear and prophetic voice which all will hear. This will be your light while the darkness is still with you. Follow this voice. You will know which one it is. The same voice that I have used before the darkness, I will use during the darkness.
It need not be this way. The events could have been avoided and even now they can be softened. Yet, they will come. It is inevitable. Mankind has wandered into a jungle and will not suddenly find open pasture. My Son’s pasture lies in the other direction, where mankind did not want to walk.
So, it has taken this road which has constantly entangled man in a thousand evils, each one greater than the other. Now, he is hopelessly lost, unable to find his way back. That is why the events will happen – to clear away the jungle so man can see how far he has wandered from God’s path. The events are an invitation to return. Much will be cut away so each person can see.
Saving the Little Ones
November 30, 2012
Soon the sun will set and many will ask, “Will it ever arise again”? Such will be the darkness of those times. Yet, the little ones will not lose faith. They will know that I am with them, never allowing them to succumb to the darkness. How can this be? Why are the little ones saved? All can be saved. I stretch out my hands to lift up every person, but only the little ones take my hand. They are little and know that they do not have the strength. They are little and they believe I can do all things. They are little and seek only to walk my path. That is why I can save the little ones.
Never despair. Never, never despair. My helps are so great. They are everywhere and at every moment. I always come for you. I am always near to you. I am even within you, always speaking in your heart. Do not turn to the darkness. Turn to me. Do not think about the darkness. Think about me. In this way, I will have power over you, not the darkness. My words are clear enough. Even though the darkness comes, even though you are surrounded by darkness, you must not fear. I am with you with my light and my powerful love.
The Only Hope
December 2, 2012
How dark! I do not even want to speak of the darkness. However, I must speak so everyone knows that it will overwhelm and will spread everywhere. No one will escape the darkness. However, those who call on my name will receive a different light, never before available. The light will be within the person and also in the middle of groups that gather in my name. I am the only hope and, therefore, I speak so often of the darkness. I will say it again. I am the only hope. Blessed is he who has found me before the darkness begins. Later, it will be far too late.
The light is in my heart and all who want the light must go there. The door of my heart is always open to those who seek to enter. Some try to enter only to discover my secrets or to find out about future events. The true seekers are those who want a place of refuge in the darkness. To all of these I open my heart totally. I am the enemy of darkness. I want no one to be captured and in chains to the darkness. I speak so everyone has a chance to enter my light and be safe.
A Deeply Imbedded Darkness
December 3, 2012
The causes of this darkness are already imbedded deeply into the heart of mankind. Even though they will cause great pain and confusion, they must come forth so their power can be ended. It is better this way than to allow these powers to grow even greater and explode deeper in the heart of mankind and human history. Now is the time to deal with them, while the human race can still be saved.
To many, these words are not clear. However, when the darkness appears, all will see the evil that is deeply embedded in the hearts of so many. This is the evil of hatred and anger that has festered for so long a time, an anger that has led to weapons and the weapons to a clear desire to use them.
The time is at hand, no longer able to be postponed. Those that are prepared by faith will survive. Those without faith will not be able to reconcile all that happens. There will not just be one event, but a series of events, one preparing for the next. One removes the restraints and the next event takes advantage that no power exists to restrain its evil force.
The events begin in one area of society but quickly have effects in other areas. All the parts of human structures are weak and vulnerable. Sin has done this, weakening powerful structures that should be able to withstand the impact. However, they are not built on the rocky ground of truth but on the sand of greed and selfishness. All of mankind is like paper ready to go up in flames. However, I will not allow this. I will raise up my special son who will have the light of Fatima. This is the light that will save the world from the coming darkness. How long must I wait until my Church exalts my light?
Seeking the Greatest Revenge
December 4, 2012
What can be done when man freely chooses a path of anger and destruction, and uses all his talents to reap the greatest revenge? When he feels he is fully justified in trying to right the wrongs and injustices of the past? He is so convinced that his path is righteous and just. Who can disarm him, so his anger does not destroy? No one is ready to accept that role, even though it is just and true. These are the conditions in which the world lives each day, a situation freely chosen by man because they have rejected my path of forgiveness, truth and reconciliation. Blessed is the person and the nation which is not caught up in this mighty river of anger and revenge.
Slowly, ever so slowly all this evil has been put into place, first in the hearts of men and then in the weapons man has built. Both elements are present. There are weapons and the deepest desires to use the weapons. There are cravings to wipe out the enemy, Israel, and the goal of reclaiming the land and all it now contains.
This goal is so much more in reach as the protection around Israel, especially Egypt, has been stripped away. So, the virgin daughter Israel lies almost naked before her enemies. Even with all her weapons, she is like a lamb that can easily be slain. Only a great intervention of God will save her and guarantee her a future existence, even a glorious future existence. This is the great challenge of faith, to believe that Israel will be saved, that Jerusalem will finally fulfill its task as the mother of both Israel and Christianity, when a union will occur because the Catholic Church has seen God’s plan for Jerusalem and has believed. These are the events which lie ahead, soon to be fulfilled.
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